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  1. Sure. I'm well aware of the statistical coincidences that can be calculated and the probabilities. It seems pretty close in comparison to my red Gyrados. Why can't I change the read only tab of the day care? Did older installations of PKHex allow daycare changes? It's the only thing puzzling me
  2. I was browsing through my save files today. I noticed a shiny in one of my older save files at the daycare w. pkhex. Can anyone help me confirm if its real or not? I know younger me had access to different tools but I can't seem to replicate it in any way. I never got a gameshark code or cheat to ever work in my life on a emulator so I know it's not a cheat The haunters values were not changed. I checked earlier saves I would love if this was real. But I know the odds are seriously rare. I could see younger me wanting a shiny gastly but I named this save for preservation purposes. Not to scoop up a hex'd gastly.
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