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Posts posted by FireLily2

  1. I'm currently doing a little bit of SWSH romhacking, and I feel like I remember a tool existing that let you view and edit the data in a Wild Area News event file (e.g. normal_encount) and display it in a nice table with a GUI, species names, etc. I've searched around with every combination of keywords I could think of (both on Google and here on Project Pokémon) and cannot for the life of me find it. I swear it existed, but I feel like I'm losing my mind looking for it.

    could modify the raw hex files directly, but first I'd have to reverse-engineer the format. I know it's been done before by others; I'd rather not have to redo all that work from scratch if I didn't have to. Has anyone got a link to it? (Or even to a document just detailing the format of the files?)

    [Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this! I'm very new to the Project Pokémon forums!]


    [UPDATE: Managed to track it down! The only link I could find to it was buried halfway down a thread.]


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