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Marvelous Moth

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Posts posted by Marvelous Moth

  1. Hi All,

    I'm having the following issue with PKHex's latest version (and the one before it):


    • I created a blank save file for Let's Go Eevee by going into Options> Blank Save Version
    • Using the Encounter Database, I searched for a Bellsprout from LGE, I selected the one from Route 24, Levels between 8 - 12.
    • Selected View, changed the level from 8 > 9
    • Went to "Cosmetic", checked Auto and then unchecked it so that the CP updates
    • Clicked on the red legality triangle, and received an error reading "Individual: Individual (AV_HP) AV Should be greater than 1"
    • Additionally, the overall IVs do not change to reflect a "level up"
    • Using Randomize AVs does fix the issue, however it creates Pokemon with an unreasonably high CP for the level (LV 9 with 1662 CP for example)

      Encounter DB:

      Stats at LV 7:

      Stats at LV8 when only changing the LV from the "Main" Screen:


      Error message:


      This is the PB7 file for that LV8 Bellsprout, if somebody wants to have a look:
      069 - Bellsprout - 562BF83BE039.pb7

      I kind of expected that when changing the level of a Pokemon within the bounds of that "encounter group" (lv 8 - 12 for example), the IVs should reflect the change between levels of that "encounter group". Alternatively, there should be on option to select which level from that "encounter group" should be applied to the Pokemon chosen using a dropdown or something.

      If I am missing something obvious, I apologize in advance!
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