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Everything posted by wyschydog

  1. -Cover An italian hack rom! -Info Creator: Wyschydog; Game duration: 2 Hours; Language: Italian originally but translated into English; Rom base: Pokémon FireRed ITA; Status: COMPLETE -Novelty -There is only one life in the game (so if you lose in battle you won't be able to continue the adventure); -Pokémon sprites are creepy; -New scripts; -New maps; -New tiles; - More than different plot; -New characters; -And more... -Plot Red, the protagonist of Pokémon FireRed, lives his life quietly. One day he discovers that the Pokémon world is not what he thought it was: its very existence is illusory and imposed by someone above. -Pics -Download the English version(.IPS FILE) https://www.mediafire.com/file/q5ityh00q83lx7t/Pok%25C3%25A9mon_FireRed_Distorted_IPS.ips/file -Credits 80C(Help in different sprite, minisprite, mapping and plot); IvanFGK(help minisprite, sprite e artwork); Nishi7( logo); Erikaa(sprite); eMMe97(sprite); Ledypion(creation Tile e sprite); Zeus spriter(sprite); Giovanni99021(sprite); Nick Mirk(sprite)
  2. Hello guys, i'm come from italy! I'm here for share with you my hack rom, I had created an Italian version but I decided to translate it into English to extend it to the public! See you in the forum! ;)
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