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Posts posted by GamingLegion

  1. If anyone is copying a pokemon multiple times and trying to move them over to HOME all at once might get an Error Code 10000. This is used if the pokemon being moved are suspected to have corrupted or duplicated data of some sort.


    I found out that the code only triggers during this instance if you try to move multiple of the same duplicated pokemon at once. For instance I copied a bunch of Koraidon and tried to move them all over, got the error. But if you move them one by one then the error doesn't trigger. Its seems that the error is only check for the pokemon that are being moved into HOME. So if you want to move a box full of duplicated, you'll have to move one, quit and save, and then restart from the HOME start screen, go back into the game save file. But that does mean that you can move multiple, non-duplicate pokemon at once. So you have Koraidons, Miraidons, and Kufus? You can move one of each, save boxes, then go back in and do it again.


    This is what I've found but if someone else has a better way or finds this doesn't work then let us all know.

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