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Posts posted by FrenchPastryDisease

  1. Hey everyone. Sorry for bumping this thread without as cool of an update as above, but I've been on a search, and I've hit a wall. When I was a kid, I won a Mew from a Nintendo Power contest. Unfortunately, only maybe 20 or 30 minutes of playing with  it, I decided to look at it in Pokemon Stadium, and then play at the GB tower. My transfer pak decided to corrupt my Pokemon Yellow cart. 


    I was Devastated.


    So I've been looking for a way to recreate it after watching Nick Robinson's video about the Blastoise. Bulbapedia made it pretty clear that all the Gen 1 Mew's had the same IVs, but I can't for the life of me remember which OT it had. I feel like it was NINTEN, but MARIO seems equally likely based on my foggy memory. I've been searching for a list of contest winners for both the 1998 and 1999 contests (I'm 95% sure I was in the '98 one though) in hopes of narrowing it down.

    Any information you guys could provide to help would be awesome.



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