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Posts posted by kunyan

  1. 3 minutes ago, MewTracker said:

    You mark all items you are interested in on your filter list. If raid drops any of those selected items, drop count for that raid is increased. "Min items sum" field decides minimum drop count to include on result list.

    For example let's use your seed 0000809A. Assume I checked all herbas on my filter list and "Min items sum" is 3. Raid drops one sweet and one salty herba, so drop count is 2. 2 >= 3 isn't satisfied so this seed will not be included in my results. However if I reduce the threshold to 2, 2 >= 2 is satisfied, so raid will appear on my list.

    OH, I see now, thank you!!!
    You're awesome😄

  2. Hello, Mew, do you know the item filter function work? When I flagged all 5 Herbas to TRUE for a Dondozo raid, I got about 350000 results(If I only flagg one of these Herbas it gives me less results, so I'm assuming flagging all 5 of them to TRUE gives the most results), and without the item filter on I got about 50000000 results. In these 50000000 results I found seeds that contain Herba mysticas that doesn't show up on those 350000 filtered results, Is there anything I did wrong that leads to this?

    For example, the seed 0000809A contains a salty Herba, But when I flagged the salty Herba to TRUE and aplly the filter, it won't show up as one of the results. 

    20 hours ago, MewTracker said:

    RaidCalc v3.0.0 is out :) Event raids are now supported.

    Download: https://github.com/MewTracker/sv-research/releases/



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