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Posts posted by Okimazi

  1. Hello! This is my first post here. Sorry if I did something wrong!

    Okay! So, i'm trying to make a perfect legit Pokémon on PKHex, I have everything right, but I'm unsure how (or if) there is a way to fix this. (I can't call an error because probably the one doing something wrong is me! XD)

    I am trying to create a Pokémon on PKHex and send it via through a Bot on Discord, this Bot is called Osha. (Important information.)

    I put all this memories on my pokémon:



    But, when I enter the game with this exact Pokémon and try to see his memories, he shows me:

    "Alakazam became Kio's friend when it came through Link Trade in a Pokémon Center. The Pokémon remembers that it got lighthearted."

    "Alakazam seems to have memories from its time with another Trainer. Alakazam became Osha's friend when it came through Link Trade in a Pokémon Center. The Pokémon remembers that it grinned."

    So my question is: Why the information that I insert om PKHex don't passed to the Pokémon in game? I don't wanna to show the name of the bot (Osha) as the last trainer, on PKHex shows that the last trainer is Kio (me).


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