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  1. how do I go about making it bigger though?
  2. Hey I was wondering if u know how to fix this when im trying to import the arm9.bin into the rom. I click OK and nothing happens or changes it just keeps me there. I've been stuck for hours and I would really appreciate the help. thx
  3. How do I fix if it says this tho. I click OK multiple times and it does nothing. plz help me bro been stuck for hours.
  4. Hey I was just wondering since there is no threads open anymore talking about this but I was wondering if u know any way of fixing it where it says, "file is too small! Enter a new location(V): No data after the previous position ROM makes new is recommended." I click the OK button and it just does nothing at all so I'm just stuck at this point. please help bro stuck for hours.
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