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  1. I am having a problem with the files of the korean event Bronzong and Pichu. When I try to put them on PKHEX, it says: "Invalid: Met Date is outside distribution window". It´s not a problem I had before with any event Pokemon. If I download the file on the GEN 9 Project Pokemon Event page or if I simply download the pokemon from the mystery gift window on PKHEX, I get the same problem. Was anyone able to get it into the game? Is it a problem that will be corrected with an update? Pls, send help
  2. I am Sneasel#5564 in discord, added you. Thanks already
  3. Hi guys, sorry for the trouble. I'm new in this forum, but I entered for a reason. I mostly collect event pokemons, but, as you can imagine, I can´t get access to some hard to get japanese event mons. I imagine that any of you can hack some mons into the switch, like from gen 8. If possible, could I kindly ask you to put some event mons into the switch and trade with me? The files are even on the site: 0301 PLA - プロポチャ Piplup.wa8 0203 BDSP - プロポチャ Piplup.wb8 0138 BDSP - Poké Center Happiny.wb8732 B · 0 downloads 0138 PLA - Poké Center Happiny.wa8712 B · 0 downloads 0138 SWSH - Poké Center Happiny (1).wc8720 B · 0 downloads 0801 PLA - Teresa Roca Hisuian Growlithe.wa8712 B · 0 downloads It would really mean a lot to me. Either way, thanks for the attention. I would really apreciate the help. If I posted this in the wrong forum, pls let me know. Thanks again.
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