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Technical Documentation
Posts posted by Spilman8
Open the file from the storage menu.
Okay I'll have a look at it!
I highly suggest changing the pokeball, and happiness to 255.
Since you used trash bytes the byte problem is solved.
NOTE - I tried running it though the thrash bytes program but all it does is say Press ENTER to exit... even when I drag the file onto the program.
That's exactly what's supposed to happen.
Choose a different pokeball, but not cherish ball
Also change happiness to 255, and also try using the trash bytes program.
sorry, but what's the event flag?
but it accepted my shiny darkrai.
Thank you so much I'll try that one and keep you posted!
---------- Post added at 08:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:33 PM ----------
Aww man.............
It didn't work!
the copying was fine but on wifi it won't let me use it!
---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:50 PM ----------
Also on other test I did,
The jirachi you did, and the jirachi I created, made it through wifi when it was not shiny. Is there a problem with shiny jirachi's or something?
Your welcome, tell me what happens!!!
I tried changing my SID and starting a new game it copied perfectly but still no wifi!
I'm pretty sure that's what it says on all pokemon when you trade it.
but I am positive you didn't do anything wrong, try checking it with legality, or pika anti-cheat.
ok i'll try and see what happens
---------- Post added at 12:05 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:38 AM ----------
Is it possible if you, Guardna could make me one with the same moveset and level and nature, everything else can adjusted to your liking.
It is absolutely fine if you don't want to.
I'll try it now on pbr wifi and see what happens!
Thank you!
---------- Post added at 11:08 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:08 AM ----------
I tried to copy the jirachi onto pokemon battle revolution with my SID being 31037
but it said copying of pokemon failed!
Actually i've done that shiny pokemon method for darkrai and it seemed to work fine no problems at all.
but just in case....
Sorry another question coming up......
How do you change your SID?
Jirachi (no nickname original name)
Held Item:Leftovers
SID:31037( special SID to make the pokemon shiny automatically)
PID:2034429810 (shiny box is automatically checked due to SID)
IV's are all 31
HP:255 Speed:0
Attack:0 Sp. Attack:55
Defence:100 Sp.Def:100
OT Gender: male
Met at Level 85
Met at (Pal Park)
Date Met: 2008, 02, 21
Region/Version: Hoenn (Ruby)
Language: ENG
Light Screen
Rain Dance
Ball caught with:Poke Ball
That's my jirachi but Pokemon battle revolution is saying that it is not allowed on wifi?
I checked it with Legality the newest version and it said Normal NDS/ or GBA.
So what is the problem?
Thank you!
edit: I found out how to do it!!!
thank you very much for that information!
Just wondering were did you learn how to do this? Is there a thread that thoroughly explains how to do this?
sorry if I am asking to many questions I pretty new to pokesav!
edit: I don't really know how to make binary numbers or hexadeciamls!
ok thank you so much for helping
then how do I make the PID correspond with the IV's?
by the way this is also happening with jirachi and manaphy.
hello you see i have this problem......
whenever I create a cresselia that is not shiny the legality checker states it as very rare nds or gba so it's valid
but when I modify that same cresselia by just clicking the shiny box it says hacked or unknown pokemon
can someone help me please??
Thanks is Advance!!
General Pokesav Request thread
in Pokémon Requests
this is for pbr wifi
Held Item:Leftovers
Nickname (If wanted):
Original Trainer (Trainer Name/OT):Forest
Trainer Gender (If specific):male
Trainer ID (If specific):legal
Secret ID (If specific):legal
Pokemon Gender (If specific):-
Shiny (Yes or No):yes
Egg (Yes or No):no
Attacks:Psychic,Leaf Storm.Silver Wind, Calm mind
PP (max or normal):max
Pokérus Status: No status
Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball
Battle Stats:as long as it's legal
IV Stats:as long as it's legal
EV Stats:255 sp.attack,255 speed
Ribbons (If any):none
Location/Date Met:as long as it's legal
Level Met At:as long as it's legal
Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg):
Contest Stats:none
Party slot 1-6 or Storage box 1-18, slot 1-30 (required for AR code): Storage box 2 slot 1
For what game (required for AR code): D/P
Friend Code (required for Trading):