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Posts posted by Hoarth

  1. Hello,

     I'm trying to change the starters you get when you start a Sword run, i managed to change them, i even changed the text that tells you the pokemon options, but i can't find where to edit the pokemon skin that you see when the game makes you choice your starter.

     I mean, in vanilla (no changes) you see the grookie/scorbuny/gobble, if you use PKNM random option and for example grookie its replaced with a baltoy, you see the baltoy when choosing your starter, but if you manually edit the gift section and change it, lets say a charmander for example, when you must choose your starter you will see a baltoy, and after you choose it, on the nickname selection screen you see a charmander, and a charmander its added to your team, but how i can change that baltoy skin? i want to see the real choice pokemon, the charmander. There should be a option somewhere, as PKNM changes it when using the random option.

     Sorry for my english, i hope you can understand what i mean, heh.


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