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Posts posted by ulmentflam

  1. 12 hours ago, theSLAYER said:

    If you can view these in PKHeX, and proceed to export them, you should be able to directly restore them into a legitimate game.. unless it’s not as legitimate as you think they are :P

    Interesting. So I was testing the save with my dumped ROM from Emerald in mGBA. The save that was on the cart loads fine, but when I load the save dumped from PKHeX I get the corrupted save error message. I can confirm that the ROM is copied from a legitimate game, and that is why I wanted to test the save on the ROM in mGBA first. I will try to dump the legit ROM again to make sure it all copied over correctly. Should I just try and copy the sav directly to the cart? Is there potentially a known issue with mGBA and PKHeX that I am missing?


    Okay, I have an update. I decided to load the save file to the legit cart and the same corrupt data error message appeared. However, the legit cart was able to load from the previous save, which is the same save I dumped from the bootleg cart. My guess mGBA does not have the ability to repair the save by loading from the "previous save". Everything seems to be working fine now. Thank you for your fantastic tool!

  2. Apologies if I am asking a redundant question. So I have extracted my saves from the bootleg version of the game and have found 2 .sav files (attached here). I would like to run the save in a legitimate ROM rather than the Bootleg ROM. I can open and view the save data in PKHeX, but when I boot the save into a legitimate ROM, it says the data is corrupted. Is it possible to load these saves into a legitimate ROM? If so, where should I begin to look in terms of editing the save, so it is no longer corrupted?

    save0-2022-04-05 19-41-21-0xFC0000-halfpatched.sav save1-2022-04-05 19-41-22-0x1FC0000-halfpatched.sav

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