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Posts posted by TinchoX

  1. On 6/1/2023 at 5:57 AM, Shammywolf363 said:

    Sorry for the late reply, but the reason for starting over with the starters & partners listed above, is because I changed their base stats. I have no idea if changing those stats will update in the old save files. I tested it and strangely enough in some save files it would update and others it wouldn't. So, I figured it would be best to be on the safe side and tell everyone who has those pokemon to start over.

    Didn't see any difference (Stat-wise), except for the fact that I got better prepared for the last part. Last time I got my butt handed to me.

    Love what you did, few grammatical mistakes here and there (like the use of "your" instead of "you're", and a few weird spaces when talking to Dusknoir), but other than that, it's pretty good! 


    Can't wait for more content! 

  2. On 5/23/2023 at 4:13 PM, Shammywolf363 said:

    This is Shammywolf363, and I wanted to update you all on Explorers of Memories. The next version will be released on the 26th! I am very sorry about the year-long wait! I had to deal with finishing my senior year in college, personal life issues, having to restart a couple of times, and constantly changing the story. Also, I finally hit the point in the story where everything will be new territory! Here is what will be in the update!
    This update will have the following:
    Chapters 10 up to 12 are complete!
    Starter rebalancing (The new starters, partners, old starters (Eevee, Chikorita, and Torchic), and their evolutions now have had their stats adjusted to be on par with other starters!
    Two new story dungeons!
    Spinda's drink mixing is now much quicker!
    And much more!


    Much appreciated!!


    By the way, is starting from scatch a requirement if I started my save with Ralts and Buneary?

    Will I encounter bugs or glitches if I continue from my last patch save?

    It'd be a drag... but if there's no choice... I'll do it.

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