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Robert Stacc

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Posts posted by Robert Stacc

  1. On 3/20/2022 at 5:16 AM, Lithium said:

    I'm currently considering giving all defensive Pokemon buffed defensive stats that will mimic the performance of EV'd defenses against EV'd offenses.
    Essentially, the thing is that EV investment adds more bulk than power, so in a meta without EVs, everything is squishier. This makes defensive Pokemon much less viable.

    The problem with this is that this would throw base stat totals way out of whack. For example, to mimic a spread of 252 HP / 252 Defense, Blissey would get these stats:
    Old     255 HP / 10 Atk / 10 Def / 75 SAtk / 135 SDef / 55 Spd / 540 BST
    New     255 HP / 10 Atk / 34 Def / 75 SAtk / 150 SDef / 55 Spd / 579 BST

    That bothers me for some reason. Plus, this would mean that Blissey basically also has 252 SpA EVs against opposing defensive Pokemon, so walls are going to hit harder, relatively speaking, than a metagame with EVs.
    Offenses may need to be toned down on defensive Pokemon to compensate.

    So my question is: Do you all think this would be a good addition?

    Edit: Here's an idea. What if instead of buffing defensive Pokemon defensively, I buff the ones that need it in other ways? Give them reliable recovery, more team support options, and better attacking choices, so they don't just become walls of meat that don't do anything and then faint.

    Edit 2: Thinking about it more, doing this kind of change would most likely result in a situation like Generation 2, where everything basically had 252 EVs, so everything just ran stall.
    That would probably be worse than no EVs, so I might stick with things as they are now, and just go with the alternative idea.

    Just read about this and Idk if you still think about making the changes you talk abou in Edit 1, but I think it's always better to give better tools to these defensive mons just so they don't become not only passive but also outclassed. And better than everything stalling as well. 

    Hope my feedback isn't a little too late lmao

  2. Just now, Lithium said:

    Yeah, you'll have to update to fix it. There are a LOT of problems that have been fixed since 1.0.0, and you should be good to update safely. No need to start a new save.

    Yeah I just realized I dl'd the first ever release of the hack lmao. Thanks for the insight still, I wouldn't have noticed for quite some time haha

    Also keep up the good work, I've played up until Gardenia with sinnohan forms only and they're straight fire! 

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