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Posts posted by LordOsmosis8615

  1. 2 hours ago, wordupmagazine said:

    To piggyback on this since I could not find the relevant info anywhere, the BodyType properties 0 - 7 are as follows:

    In text (in case the image goes down some day):

    0 - Fair skin, blue(?) hair, male

    1 - Brown (darker skin tone), darker blue(?) hair, male

    2 - White, blond hair, male

    3 - Brown (lighter skin tone), darker blue(?) hair, male

    4 - Fair skin, blue(?) hair, female

    5 - Brown (darker skin tone), darker blue(?) hair, female

    6 - White, blond hair, female

    7 - Brown (lighter skin tone), darker blue(?) hair, female


    Your gender setting overrules your body type setting. So if you choose BodyType 4 and your character is male, you will get an end result that looks like 0. 


    Hi. This is actually incorrect. The female values for style are also 1 - 4. Just tested it now and I used 2 and got blonde for the female, 

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