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Everything posted by eco9898

  1. You're right, I overlooked that. Thank you.
  2. When I reimport the invalid beedrill it still marks it as invalid, so it isn't something it automatically does when imported? Attached is the weedle based one I ended up using and the kakuna based one I had previously tried to add the attacks to, along with a copy of him after I added the attacks. I've also noticed, the beedrill I added the attacks to, its encounter location/type changed from route 24 as a kakuna to the viridian forest as a kakuna. 015 - original - 40CC.pk1 015 - weedleBase - 7C5C.pk1 015 - invalid - E05A.pk1
  3. Thank you for clarifying this. I noticed it as a field in pkhex when hovering the cursor over the pokemon. That's where the beedrill example came from, pkhex was marking my beedrill as invalid when I tried to give it those weedle moves as it didn't register passing through the weedle line. I guess it's safe to ignore that value then. Maybe pkhex just takes a guess as how it was encountered for legalisation purposes.
  4. I've played through pokemon yellow and wanted to complete the dex without playing through red and blue. So I wanted to create the pokemon I can't get in yellow and mark them as traded. It's a part of creating a living dex so these pokemon will be traded up through the generations to pokemon home and I want them to appear authentic in case any new security checks come in that verify this kind of thing.
  5. Is there a way to edit gen 1 pokemon encounter types. For example, change a beedrill that was caught as a kakuna to be marked as a caught as a weedle. This would then allow it to learn poison sting and string shot. Also, changing the encountered location would be required for most instances of this kind of edit. Alternatively, marking a pokemon as a static encounter or a traded pokemon. I've done similar things with PkHex in newer generations, but it doesnt appear to support this in gen 1.
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