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Endless Eden

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About Endless Eden

  • Birthday 11/24/1992

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  1. <p><p><p><p><p>yah. after roach dies, u go with soap and price (where u are soap) and go through a bunch of crap, and when its all said and done, u drive a speedboat, shoot a bunch of others down, and everything goes perfectuntil shepherd gets in a helli. price shoots it down, u go over a waterfall, u chase the dude down on foot (u all live.) and try to stab im. he blocks. he throws u to the ground and thrusts a knife through ur stomach. hes about to shoot u, when price tackles him. they have it out. u pull the knife out of ur stomach, and just as the dudes about to kill price, u throw the knife and it hits shepherd right in the eye. u get help to ur own chopper, and thats the end of the game. it was trully epic down to the freakin codes it is made of.</p></p></p></p></p>

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