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Posts posted by Michael_Imperfection

  1. Also, I'm glad this has finally happened. Especially since it's a slap in the face to all of those idiots at idiot sites such as serebii and gamefaqs who always said "stop talking about this kind of thing because it isn't going to happen," and claimed things like a DS cart didn't have enough memory to hold all of the data included in Johto and Kanto.... yet a GameBoy cart could...

    Funny how people act when they're proven wrong. You'd think that Serebii would be too far under a rock to find, and yet they're practically celebrating this momentous occasion as we are.:rolleyes:

    And I severely hate it when someone says that DS cartridges can't hold Johto and Kanto. For one the largest DS game I've seen is Personal Trainer Cooking at 256mb and two if 32gb can go into a micro SD card then darn it that could also go into a cartridge, just look at any Flash Cart Producer.:D

  2. I can't wait to finally be able to catch a legit Celebi. I hope it's similar to the original.My best guess is that there will be a wi-fi event download (Like the secret key, etc.) that will give you a GS ball, which in turn will be used to obtain Celebi. I bet there will also be a TRU celebi event as well.

    Yeah but our luck it will be another Japan only event like it was originally.

    We can all hope though.:rolleyes:

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