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Posts posted by PixelateVision

  1. 2 hours ago, Delta Blast Burn said:

    Basically you would need to do extensive edits, because in order to guarantee shinies that are transferable to other games you would need to call the rng until a shiny pid occurs

    That does sound like it'd be complicated but I'm willing to dive more deeply into it since I want to get more into ROM editing. Is there a comprehensive wiki/guide to the known hex values and their corresponding elements in-game? 

    Basically I'm wondering if the equivalent of a shiny charm could be hacked in somehow.

  2. Hello,

    I have a question that I'm not sure anyone has an answer to yet, at least not from what I've found after scouring the internet, but I figured I'd ask anyways.

    In the gen 4 games, (specifically HGSS) is there any way to edit the code (via hex or other means) to change the shiny encounter rate? I have already successfully tried the method most people advise, by changing hex code 08 28 in ARM9.bin, but while this does increase the shiny encounters, it only changes the appearance of a Pokemon to be shiny in that game save. If I try to transfer the Pokemon elsewhere or inspect the save file with an app, the "shiny" Pokemon isn't actually shiny.

    Has anyone heard of a more permanent solution? Thanks in advance. :)

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