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  1. thank u so very much ah one more thing, it is truly incredible everything they are doing, innovating their projects and goals more and more! keep it up, you are all true geniuses! this goes for the whole project pokemon team
  2. Last question, Which batch file editor do you recommend?
  3. Thank you very much, now if the pkhex recognized the .sav, even if I only edit mons until the 3rd gen it is very good
  4. wow how strange, just in case I give you these settings of the vba emulator, it's what I save all the saves from other games If it's any help
  5. Pokemon - FireRed Version (USA).SAV
  6. what file? the save?
  7. hi again! curiously now I got this error, before I did not get anything
  8. because pkhex does not support hack-roms, on the other hand, pokesav maybe yes, because that error also appeared when I wanted to open a file of the original fure red and platinum roms in fact, I have not found any other program that is compatible with hackroms saves
  9. hello whoever is reading this i was testing pokesav and when i want to open a .sav file from any 3rd gen game. This error happens to me, it is version 0.40c
  10. Thank you so much for your help
  11. I just wanted to know if any program can add pokemon to my team like pkhex I also mean this, it recognizes the hackrom of pokemon radical network as a 3rd generation, one when in fact it has all the pokemon
  12. Hello everyone! I would like to know how it is possible to edit with PKHex or another program the hack roms of Pokémon that have Pokémon up to the eighth generation. Thank you very much for your attention. Example of Fire Red ROMS that own Pokémon up to the eighth gen: Pokémon Radical Red
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