Could anyone fix my colosseum starters? I am really new to save editing but I tried to fix it myself and no results so far.
196 - ESPEON - CF165B2A2645.ck3197 - UMBREON - EEF670798CEC.ck3
I also tried using the python script mentioned in and here is what it returns :
TID/SID: 32859/59599 (TID frame: 0x805bfe15)
Umbreon: PID: 0xcd24a265, Abil. 1, IVs: 18/15/7/1/13/27
Espeon: PID: 0x93f7de5, Abil. 1, IVs: 23/2/21/31/24/6
I don't know what those numbers are and how to convert them to PID so any help would be appreciated!