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  1. logan121

    bulk max iv?

    okay first of all i wanna apologise for all the noob questions but im still getting used to pkhex, how does one max out every pokemon's iv's in the batch editor? like what command do i have to use?
  2. i have but it only lets me change the nickname, not enable them so all the nicknamed pokemon with disabled nicknames are flagged as illegal, im asking if there's a way to bulk enable the nicknames
  3. I want to change all of my pokemon's nicknames which ive done, but theyre all flagged as illegal because i dont have nicknames enabled, i dont want to go through every pokemon and enable nicknames, is there a quick way to do this? or in bulk?
  4. logan121

    Bulk change OT?

    is it possible to change the OT of every pokemon at once in a save? if so, how?
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