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Posts posted by zerodown

  1. i got in trouble to generate a entei/raikou/suicune, from gen 3 they do roaming but i am not able to create their PID's through RNG programs, I tried to use both Pokefinder and RNGReporter to generate like wild or statioary encounter but PKHeX indicates wrong PID for the type of meeting,I already tried to change the origin game with the same 3 Pokémon captured in gen 4 and apparently the roaming PID of gen 4 is different from gen 3, can someone help me saying if it is possible to generate the RNG PID of the legendary dogs in gen 3 if so how to do it?


    EDIT: after posting I saw that there was a subforum; Pokémon Legality , more specific to this issue, if any Mod can move the topic there, and sorry for not having found the subforum before making this post.

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