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Everything posted by luisro2204

  1. I did! Thank you
  2. Omg thank you so much, i'm very glad you took the time to help me, i wouldn´t have been able to solve the issue without your help, i really appreciate it!
  3. I know that this is oddly specific, but i need an ultra moon save file for my 3ds, in akala just before the grass trial, i need it for my little brother pls:(
  4. So, I create a save, then replace the new save with the old one i have? or i delete the secure value for the new one and then replace it with the old one? Sorry for that many questions, i've never done this before:( Hey, i was wondering, can you change the name and language of a save file? I found one very similar to mine, but i wanted to know if you could edit it to spanish and change the name to Gil main
  5. I got the save on SD>Nintendo 3ds>id1>id2>title>00040000>001b5100>data and i open savedatafiler and i get this menu, but i don't know what am i looking for, i looked at the user files and found 2 with a similar id of ultra moon (01b51), a black one (can be seen on the image) and a red one which is at the bottom, what should i do next? I'll try that I tried and i get the 01b51 in red, i delete the secure value and it says its completed, but it stays in red what should i do?
  6. I'm trying this, but how does it work? Where do i put the save file in the sd card?
  7. I have it right here, I tried with pokehex and it didn't load, but idk if i used an older version:( 00000001.sav To be a little more especific, in pkhex it says "Attempted to load an unsupported file/size" and then it says that the file might be corrupted
  8. Omg thank you for responding, I tried all day to restore the save I found but it marks it as corrupted:( is there any way to fix that or i'm screwed?
  9. I'm an idiot: So, I have a hacked 3ds for my little brother, and his favourite game was pokemon ultramoon, but yesterday the sd got corrupted because of reasons, and almost all files are missing, i used ease us to recover the data but i don't know where is his save file stored:( or, if i can't recover it, i want to ask here if someone has a save file of ultra moon, just before the grass trial, i would really really appreciate if you could help me, i feel really bad:(
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