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Everything posted by Whousing

  1. I didn't remember that you must use ingame save :D. I had always saved it in citra, never ingame. We will NOT talk about this, let's forget whole thing ok? Thanks for the help anyway.
  2. I did all of those things the way you guys said to, it doesn't still want to load it, I attached the file if it does help anything. I downloaded whole new .3ds file/rom and tested with it: didn't work. Re-downloaded newest version of PKHeX, took save data location the way yoy showed. Still yet I keep getting this error: In some fixes around the web were said that it might be too big or too small, I'm not sure if that's the case or something but atleast I am out of any ideas how I could get this working. If you come up with any I will be happy to try them out. main
  3. It isn't about that, I had played with my computer a little more that that and with the other computer like half of the game, I had this same thing in my mind but that isn't the case.
  4. Hello, I am in need for guidance about error "Attempted to load an unsupported file type/size.". I have tested it by reinstalling citra and rom, file isnt corrupted, tested with 2 different computers. I tried to look from web the answer for this but I don't seem to find any help from there. Most of the fixes was something like I might have chosen wrong folder of folders which include "main" file. That isnt a possibility since my rom/citra happens to only create one folder with "main" file inside. What I mean by that is I have it looking like this: https://gyazo.com/808229e429f3dc1b551c29cf713c6e0f From what I've understood most people have it looking like this: https://gyazo.com/a5c178bd973a908238a36998c4309cc3 I seem to have less folders in multiple directorys, one more example here, how I have it: https://gyazo.com/af40a017ae87e7b8ca371747751f1482 And from what I've understood most of people has it: https://gyazo.com/3de18d9425ad782619ebcae01fa22f2b I had this working perfectly about half year before, but now it doesnt seem to work for me anymore. I also have latest version of PKHeX installed. EDIT: If this helps anything this is my direction path where my "main" file what I have tried to use is: C:\Users\(My name)\AppData\Roaming\Citra\sdmc\Nintendo 3DS\00000000000000000000000000000000\00000000000000000000000000000000\title\00040000\001b5000\data\00000001 Also, my game is gen7.
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