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Posts posted by snuffaluffagus

  1. Oh man. I haven't done that at all, my 3ds isn't hacked whatsoever. I copied the entirety of my SD card into a new folder on my desktop, and that's it. I feel like there's gotta be a good guide to show me how it's done, all the guides and videos I've looked at have different methods and steps. And I have about three boxes of pokemon I want to edit. I have a lot to do

  2. It worked! So now I have it open. How do I import my pokemon? I inserted my SD card from the 3ds, but how do I extract the save file to upload? 

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  3. Okay, just to be sure I downloaded your file from scratch. I got my first image in the downloads folder. 

    Then I double clicked it, just like I would unzip any file. Seems like I am now extracting an archive as seen in the second image.

    I then typed that command exactly, and then terminal says no such app exists. And I mean it's right, there is technically no PKHeX.app anywhere in downloads. I attached that last image to show that the new .txz.cpgz file is about the size of your file on MEGA. 

    I tried changing the .txz.cpgz to .app but then it says it is not supported on this type of mac.

    I have since deleted the newly changed .app and re-double clicked the original .txz file I downloaded from MEGA. So now back to square one.

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  4. I read through this entire thread multiple times and I am soooooo lost. I originally tried the Winebottler method, but every single time I went to select a file, Winebottler would crash. I was running Winebottler with the Wine application it is coupled with on the site.

    I then tried the method using the terminal, and added all the codes successfully, or so it seemed. My problem was wine. I ran wine stable 5 and it was not allowing me to open any files. I tried all day.

    pkman99, i downloaded your .txz file, then tried to open it only for an "archive" to be extracted and copied again in both the downloads and the applications folder, as seen below.

    I have no idea if I am supposed to run a Wine at this point or what. I downloaded both CrossOver and Wineskin but don't know what the hell to do with either. I just want PKHex working on my macbook. Please help.

    What I have on my computer:
    @pkman99 's .txz file from 4/5/20.
    Crossover 19.0.1 app with nothing done on it
    Wineskin 1.7 app with nothing done on it

    Winebottler and the Wine that came with it are also still in my applications, but because it crashes every time I hit either select file or install under the advanced tab, it is useless right now.

    I'm running High Sierra 10.13.16 

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