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Posts posted by Bledan

  1. Hi there! I recently got involved in pokèSAVing for HG/SS! I think I've understood a good part of it, but there's still something I can't figure out...

    The ribbons. I've tried to use the Johto Champ Ribbon but it's signed as the SINNOH Champ Ribbon. So, how can I put a JohtoChampRibbon on a pokèSAVed pokèmon? I admit I haven't tried hard enough, but I still don't know how they exaclty work!

    Thanks in advance! :)

  2. Yeah, it works cheers dude. how did u do it?

    Practically, around 06xxxx or 07xxxx (depends on versions and regions, e.g. on Platinum US it is in 07xxxx) There is a succession of 6 values which works like this:

    08(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->40(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->80(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->08(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->40(Hex)---[jump of 22 spaces]--->80(Hex)

    When you see this succession you code the 6 values like this:

    1206xxxx 000201F (obviously, the accurate address in which there is one of the 6 aforementioned values)

    And here it is! I'm sorry, I absolutely don't know the correct names of all things and I can't explain which values are effectively changed and how :D I've managed to discover this through the Platinum US code posted by Baka_Kyuubi (if I'm correct).

    Hope I explained this decently :)


    I'm not getting any luck with the IV manipulation codes...

    Strange... Are you using HG or SS?

  3. Guardna, are you able to convert the Wild Max IVs code to US version?

    1206DA52 0000201F

    1206DA68 0000201F

    1206DA7E 0000201F

    1206DA94 0000201F

    1206DAAA 0000201F

    1206DAC0 0000201F

    EDIT: Correct at 90% of probabilities

    Max IVs on Wild Pokèmon (US)

    1206E012 0000201F

    1206E028 0000201F

    1206E03E 0000201F

    1206E054 0000201F

    1206E06A 0000201F

    1206E080 0000201F

    Try it and then tell me if it works :)

  4. I'm sorry, this is the last bump.

    I've found the code. By myself.

    I'll write it down for you, although I don't think it will be of much use for you

    Pokèmon Platino (IT)

    Max IVs

    12073FE4 0000201F

    12073FFA 0000201F

    12074010 0000201F

    12074026 0000201F

    1207403C 0000201F

    12074052 0000201F

  5. Hi guys! I'm Bledan, new here (and probably this is not the section for introducing myself) and hope I'll enjoy this forum!

    I'll start by asking if there's a way to convert the Max IV code for Platinum (U) to Platinum (IT), or at least helping me understand which values I should change for making it work (by the way, US code in IT version freezes game when wild appears).

    Thanks in advance :)

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