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So what two things are my names based off of and why?

Code Kira

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"Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

I quote form the bible that I hold as a reminder and a reason.

So my name is Code Kira.

Some of you may know me off of Pokegym.

My name comes from the title of Code Geass and Kira from Death Note.

Name was thought up by a friend of mine joking around about my mind set of disliking those who abuse power or use it wrongfully.

Be it online or real life.

I thought at one time I had a account on here, but looks like I was wrong. I was told about here when I was looking for a good EV/IV guide i could follow and get into. Funny enough I found two versions of it and the one here has more detail.

Anyone know how I can contact the writer?

I was hoping they had made a updated version for HG/SS.

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