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Hey guys, allow me to introduce myself to you all.

I fell in love with Pokemon way back when red and blue came out i remember my friend had a hacked Mysterious green version while i had red, my first ever starter Pokemon was a Chamander, I even remember going to the cinema for the first movie and i was pretty young back then, i even still have the VHS but I've not watched that in years, i must have been between 7 and 9 years old, every kid on my street was into Pokemon and now I'm 19 yet, saying that i can't really rememberHow i got into Pokemon.

I've kept up to track as best i could with the Pokemon games, you could say I'm a bit of a fanatic but most of my friends don't know I'm still into them, apart from my 22 year old friend who i was battling on Wifi yesterday, its not just the whole Pokemon idea that kept me into it its the game-play from the games as well, even Pokemon snap was awesome in my opinion and I'm really looking forward to the 5th generation, i just got my Wifi set up so i'm not too sure how to share my game code but i'll be sure to do that once I've figured that out. :wink:

Anyway i was drawn to Project Pokemon's forum via the Pokesav, of course i love to play through the game to the end without cheating but this program really puts a lot more game-play and experimentation into the game once you've done most of things in it, its something I've been after for a long time (probably 10+ years) but i had a browse through the forum and thought it rocked too, I'm looking forward to knowing you all a bit better, a forum like this was an oldskool Pokemon players dream.

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