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I can not express enough how much I loved this game. There aren't enough people who know about it.

It is a great game, really. A the begining, you get to pick between two characters: Mint and Rue. If you play as Mint, you will be treated to a charming story of a girl with a thirst for world domination and vengance against her sister. Picking Rue will take you through a more serious, and emotional plotline about a boy on a quest to revive a girl who was like an older sister to him.

You see, both Rue and Mint are after a thing called the Dewprism, a relic with enough power to furfill both of their desires and more, that was created a long time ago by a powerful Magician. Rue and Mint are not the only ones after it. Along the way they will meet:

Eachother (Mint seems to think of Rue as her nemesis, but Rue doesnt seem to notice (oh, and please no shipping)).

Bell, a very spoiled magician who is running out of money and seemed to have issues with Mint when they were younger.

Duke, Bell's sevant and (possible, but not certain) boyfriend. He is a fan of literature and can imitate the powers of whoever he reads about.

Klaus, a researcher who is studying relics and the magicians that made them. He's the guy who cracks the mysteries.

Doll Master, a royal advisor to Mint's dad, who seems to have his own plans for the Dewprism...

Blood & Smokey, hoodlums who can be taken care of easily enough, and the fact that they have annoying personalities just makes them all the more satisfying to beat up.

Rod, though he's not after the Dewprism, he's a makes a decent challenge and is great for money farming. He makes some awsome weapons for himself.

Fancy Mel................................................................................................................................................I'll just skip this one.

Wilaf, an wise and powerful dragon. Semi easy to beat, but once you win, stop hitting him. Seriously, just leave him alone or become toast.

And there's a bunch of other characters too.

So, have any of you guys played this game? If so, how did you like it? Who was your favorite character? I wish it had been longer...

Also, please alert me of any mispellings.

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