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Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness - 60FPS Action Replay codes (all regions)

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So, only a couple of days after I published the Pokémon Colosseum 60FPS hacks, I couldn't help myself and wanted to try doing it for the sequel too. And here we are. A 60FPS hack for all versions of Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness.

YouTube video showing it in action:

See the previous post about Pokémon Colosseum for more detailed info, as the information there applies to this hack too. But in summary, using Dolphin, add the code for your game region as an AR code, then set a 200% emulated CPU overclock to cover almost all cases.

Where this differs is that I have barely tested this. It appears to work exactly like the last game, but sadly I have never played this game and have no interest in doing so. I assume the cutscene issues from Colosseum can happen here too, so try the underclock trick if that happens. But use caution, and save often.

Finally, the codes. Also like before, the code for the PAL version works with both 50Hz and 60Hz.

US: 042AF794 60000000
EU: 042B16F8 60000000
JP: 042AA1BC 60000000

Again, if you have any issues, post them here so that others can be aware of them. As usual, enjoy!

Obligatory backstory below:


When starting on this, I thought I could transfer what I knew from Colosseum and apply it here, using a hex editor to find the previously hacked instructions. It's pretty much the same engine, so it must be similar, I thought! How naive I was. That didn't go anywhere, so my good friend the Real Time Corruptor came back for this. If you don't know where to start, just blank out random code and break the game until you get what you want! 😀

After many glitches and much hilarity, I hit the jackpot. Again, it was based in the main.dol executable which was loaded entirely into memory. US code done! I thought I could transfer it over to the other regions like I did with Colosseum by finding the same instruction with a hex editor, but no. The same sequence of bytes appeared over and over again, so this was entirely unfeasible.

I had to fall back to corrupting for the other two regions. Thankfully, I could narrow down the memory region and instruction type to replace, which made the two other codes a lot quicker to find. Overall, this hack took just under three hours to find and implement. I hope this doesn't come off as me bragging; I am by no means an expert at hacking games in general, let alone these games in particular. Prior knowledge with the Pokémon Colosseum hacks helped significantly here.

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