WindchildWhimsy Posted August 27, 2024 Posted August 27, 2024 (edited) So this hack has been out for a few months but I've been putting off on posting it here for a while. But now that I've finished 1.1 with a slew of new features, I decided it was finally time! The goal of Explorers of Fortune was to add extra content and quality of life to Explorers of Sky as possible, while keeping the original's difficulty level and spirit! Sky was always a comfort game for me, so I didn't gel with similar hacks that focused more on difficulty. Thus I set out to create my own take on an expanded Sky, and I ended up very pleasantly surprised with the result! So without further ado... Story and characters: Reveal hidden contents -Archen from Super Mystery Dungeon appears as a regular townsperson! He'll give you hints towards a lot of the new features. -Postgame, a Sableye will appear in town. -Repair Original Color Magearna over the course of the game! When she's back online, she'll join your team, and each day, she'll hide in a random spot in town. Find her, and she'll reward you! -Fixed Corphish misgendering Mesprit QoL and features: Reveal hidden contents -The starter list has been greatly expanded! In addition to all the starters from Vanilla, none of which are gender-locked anymore, you can additionally choose from Alolan Vulpix, Galarian Ponyta, Ledyba, Litwick, Snivy, Sandshrew, Aron, Glameow, Oshawott, Petilil, Finneon, both normal and Hisuian Zorua, Hisuian Sneasel, Fennekin, Espurr, Amaura, Rowlet, Scorbunny, Swirlix, Mareep, Popplio, Deino, Rockruff, Pawniard, Machop, Cubone, Axew and Froakie! -Yes, I did say CHOOSE. If you don't like what the quiz gave you, then you can freely select from the list of options for your gender! -Additionally, your partner can now be the same type as you! -Xatu now gives you the option to appraise all of your treasure boxes at once! -Tips have been disabled! -You can now press start to toggle complete team control! Coordinate against a boss or manage your team to get out of sticky situations! -Tired of all your main story recruits getting left in the dust? Worry no more, for Experience Share is here! All teammates will gain EXP, not just active ones! You will need to bring them into a dungeon for their level to refresh though. -Fairy type has been added, along with Fairy Gummis! -A handful of moves have been added! Judgment, Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Fairy Wind, Disarming Voice, Play Rough, Ivy Cudgel, Fusion Bolt, Sacred Sword and Spirit Shackle have all been implemented! -Vacuum-Cut has been buffed to deal low but non-fixed damage, but in return the TM has been made much harder to come by. -Several Cafe-related changes! Spinda's drink-making animation has been shortened! Kangaskhan will now appear in the cafe, so you don't have to walk all the way across town! Lastly, IQ gains have been increased! Regular gummis now yield double the original value, and Nectar and Wonder Gummis will give you massive increases! -Rank points have been reworked to give a steadier curve. -One For All, All For One now plays during the graduation exam instead of The Gatekeepers -Text speed has been increased! Dungeons: Reveal hidden contents -Every dungeon with recruiting, and even some that don't, have at least one new Pokemon to be found! -There's a small chance of finding a Secret Slab or Mystery Part on the final floor of main-story dungeons! All special encounters besides Darkrai can now happen regardless of story progress, so you can recruit some Legendaries before the credits. -Every dungeon that allows recruiting has a Shiny Pokemon to be found! They will tend to be a higher level than the surrounding Pokemon. Besides their coloration, they also have a different talk group ("personality") from their usual counterparts! A few dungeons even have multiple Shinies! Shinies are more common in Monster Houses, so keep an eye out for outlaws who hide in one! -You can revisit the future dungeons after recruiting Dialga! If you bring a Secret Slab or Mystery Part, you may encounter some old friends... -Aegis Cave has been made a bit easier! Now, the essential Unown appear in Ice, Rock, and Steel Aegis Caves, while the rest appear in the Pit instead! -Eastern Forest is finally a real dungeon! -You can visit a special dungeon filled with Paradoxes by bringing a specific item to the end of Bottomless Sea. -World Abyss has been revamped to be less of a Concealed Ruins clone. -Each Zero Isle has a locked door on the penultimate floor. If you bring its contents to the end of the dungeon, you can visit a special place. If you find a Mystery Part on that floor, then something extra special will appear in the mysterious Zero Hoard... -Destiny Tower has been redone! Instead of a level 1 dungeon, it's now free-level vs powerful enemies in type-themed stretches a la Super Mystery Dungeon. At the top now awaits a powerful ally... -Oblivion Forest now allows recruitment. -Visit the Ultra Wilds after recruiting Giratina! -Fairy Fortress unlocks after clearing the game. -Chargestone Temple unlocks after beating Darkrai. -Hey, remember how you fell way down upon first entering Spacial Rift? And how Spacial Rift goes downwards? Now you can visit Upper Spacial Rift! -A smaller-scale level 1 dungeon has been added, Purity Grove! -A post-game sidequest will unlock Mystic Gorge, which is full of Psychic types! -Freedom Coast, a side dungeon from Super, has been added! -Occasionally in the postgame, you'll be able to visit Mirage Oasis, a strange desert dungeon chock full of treasure! -Once you've befriended Rayquaza, it can take you to Astral Thicket, a dungeon in spaaaaaaaaaaace! -The Final Maze now has an extra reward at the end! Pokemon: -New additions: Reveal hidden contents Arceus (Normal form only) Victini Snivy Servine Serperior Oshawott Dewott Samurott Purrloin Liepard Munna Musharna Cottonee Whimsicott Petilil Lilligant Maractus Yamask Cofagrigus Archen Archeops Zorua Zoroark Gothita Gothorita Gothitelle Solosis Duosion Reuniclus Joltik Galvantula Axew Fraxure Haxorus Litwick Lampent Chandelure Golett Golurk Mienfoo Mienshao Pawniard Bisharp Rufflet Braviary Durant Heatmor Larvesta Volcarona Deino Zweilous Hydreigon Cobalion Terrakion Virizion Tornadus (Incarnate only) Thundurus (Incarnate only) Reshiram Zekrom Landorus (Incarnate only) Keldeo (standard only) Meloetta (can freely "evolve" between forms) Genesect (no Drives) Fennekin Braixen Delphox Froakie Frogadier Greninja Swirlix Slurpuff (use Link Cable) Espurr Meowstic Honedge Doublade Aegislash (which form is determined by whether attack or defense is higher upon evolving) Helioptile Heliolisk Amaura Aurorus Tyrunt Tyrantrum Sylveon (IQ+Beauty Scarf) Hawlucha Carbink Goomy Sliggoo Goodra Phantump Trevenant Pumpkaboo Gourgeist Xerneas (Active only) Yveltal Zygarde (10% and 50%, can "evolve" between each) Diancie Volcanion Hoopa (can freely evolve between forms) Rowlet Dartrix Decidueye Popplio Brionne Primarina Grubbin Charjabug Vikavolt (Thunder Stone) Cutiefly Ribombee Rockruff Lycanroc (all forms, determined by whether a Sun Ribbon, Lunar Ribbon, or Link Cable is used) Dewpider Araquanid Fomantis Lurantis Salandit Salazzle Bounsweet Steenee Tsareena (IQ+Beauty Scarf) Wimpod Golisopod Minior (all forms) Type: Null Silvally (Normal form only) Mimikyu (Disguised only) Jangmo-o Hakamo-o Kommo-o Tapu Koko Tapu Lele Tapu Bulu Tapu Fini Cosmog Cosmoem (53+Sun or Lunar Ribbon) Solgaleo Lunala Nihilego Buzzwole Pheromosa Xurkitree Celesteela Kartana Guzzlord Necrozma (normal and Ultra, can evolve between the two at high IQ) Poipole Blacephalon Stakataka Marshadow Zeraora Magearna (normal and Original Color) Scorbunny Raboot Cinderace Sobble Drizzile Inteleon Hatenna Hattrem Hatterene Milcery Alcremie (8 forms, based on whether you used a Sun or Lunar Ribbon and a Cheri, Rawst, Pecha or Oran Berry) Indeedee Snom Frosmoth Duraludon Dreepy Drakloak Dragapult Eternatus Regieleki Regidrago Spectrier Enamorus (Incarnate and Therian, "evolve" to swap forms) Nymble Lokix Tinkatink Tinkatuff Tinkaton Cyclizar Glimmet Glimmora Farigiraf (IQ) Kingambit (King's Rock) Flutter Mane Scream Tail Slither Wing Iron Hands Iron Bundle Iron Valiant Chi-Yu Gimmighoul Gholdengo (Lost Loot) Fezandipiti Ogerpon (use a Fire, Grass, Water or Moon stone to swap forms at Luminous Spring) Archaludon (Metal Coat) Applin Flapple (Big Apple plus Attack>Defense) Appletun (Big Apple plus Defense>Attack) Dipplin (Big Apple plus Attack=Defense) Hydrapple (Golden Apple) -Regional Variants: Reveal hidden contents Vulpix Ninetales (Frozen Rock) Ponyta Rapidash Sandshrew Sandslash (Frozen Rock) Typhlosion Samurott Raichu Zorua Zoroark Marowak Zapdos Moltres Corsola Cursola Wooper Clodsire Sneasel Sneasler Sliggoo Goodra -Added forms: Reveal hidden contents Pikachu Libre (special SS/MP encounter) Mega Mewtwo Y (can freely swap at high IQ) Primal Kyogre (can freely swap at high IQ) Primal Groudon (can freely swap at high IQ) Mega Lopunny (can evolve at high IQ) Origin Dialga (can freely swap at high IQ) Origin Palkia (can freely swap at high IQ) recruitable Primal Dialga and Purple Kecleon -Shinies: Reveal hidden contents Celebi (Dusk Forest) Charizard (Mt Horn) Typhlosion (Steam Cave) Snorlax (Apple Woods) Dragonite (Surrounded Sea) Furret (Foggy Forest) Scizor (Landslide Cave) Crobat (Quicksand Cave) Ho-Oh (Mirage Oasis 24) Medicham (Northern Desert) Illumise (Crystal Cave) Flygon (Crystal Crossing) Milotic (Serenity River) Rampardos (Mt Bristle) Drifblim (Sky Peak 1-6) Lickilicky (Waterfall Cave) Gallade (Drenched Bluff) Rotom (Amp Plains) Hisuian Zorua (Blizzard Island) Hisuian Zoroark (Blizzard Island) Volcarona (Sky Peak 7-peak) Carbink (Shimmer Hill) Goodra (Brine Cave) Gourgeist (Mystifying Forest) Ribombee (Marine Resort) Tsareena (Treeshroud Forest) Nihilego (Ultra Wilds 1-9) Buzzwole (Ultra Wilds 10-18) Pheromosa (Ultra Wilds 19-27) Xurkitree (Ultra Wilds 28-36) Celesteela (Ultra Wilds 37-45) Kartana (Ultra Wilds 46-54) Guzzlord (Ultra Wilds 55-63) Poipole (Ultra Wilds 64-72) Naganadel (evolve Shiny Poipole) Blacephalon (Ultra Wilds 73-81) Stakataka (Ultra Wilds 82-90) Cosmog (Ultra Wilds 91-98) Cosmoem (evolve Shiny Cosmog) Solgaleo (evolve Shiny Cosmoem) Lunala (Evolve Shiny Cosmoem) Lokix (Dark Crater) Flutter Mane (Paradoxical Plane) Iron Bundle (Paradoxical Plane) Iron Hands (Paradoxical Plane) Iron Valiant (Paradoxical Plane) Masquerain (Beach Cave) Swampert (Craggy Coast) Spiritomb (Chasm Cave) Alolan Marowak (Dark Hill) Hariyama (Sealed Ruin) Mightyena (Dusk Forest) Beedrill (Deep Dusk Forest) Rhyperior (Crevice Cave) Armaldo (Miracle Sea) Unown (Y only) (Aegis Cave) Arcanine (Mt Travail) Porygon-Z (Spacial Rift) Reuniclus (Concealed Ruins) Inteleon (Bottomless Sea) Mawile (Shimmer Desert) Weavile (Mt Avalanche) Absol (World Abyss) Salamence (Sky Stairway) Whimsicott (Mystery Jungle) Seviper (Lush Prairie) Lucario (Tiny Meadow) Torterra (Oran Forest) Haxorus (Labyrinth Cave) Vaporeon (Lake Afar) Sylveon (Happy Outlook) Skarmory (Mt. Mistral) Farigiraf (Lost Wilderness) Sableye (Midnight Forest) Mimikyu (Fairy Fortress) Luxray (Chargestone Temple) Hawlucha (Final Maze) Dragapult (Oblivion Forest) Latias (Zero Hoard 5 from Zero Isle West) Zekrom (Zero Hoard 2 from Zero Isle North) Genesect (Zero Hoard 3 from Zero Isle East) Tapu Lele (Zero Hoard 1 from Zero Isle North) Salazzle (Giant Volcano) Regirock (Zero Hoard 7 from Zero Isle South) Groudon (plus Primal) (Zero Hoard 8 from Zero Isle South) Giratina (Origin only) (Zero Hoard 4 from Zero Isle East) Happiny (Zero Hoard, can also be found but not recruited in Zero Isle) Chansey (Zero Hoard, can also be found but not recruited in Zero Isle) Blissey (Zero Hoard, can also be found but not recruited in Zero Isle) Yveltal (Zero Hoard 6 from Zero Isle West) Suicune (Zero Hoard 9 from Zero Isle Center) Normal Deoxys (cannot swap between forms) (Upper Spacial Rift 1, 5, 9, etc.) Attack Deoxys (cannot swap between forms) (Upper Spacial Rift 2, 6, 10, etc.) Defense Deoxys (cannot swap between forms) (Upper Spacial Rift 3, 7, 11, etc.) Speed Deoxys (cannot swap between forms) (Upper Spacial Rift 4, 8, 12, etc.) Minior (Astral Thicket) Lopunny (plus Mega) (Eastern Forest) Roserade (Purity Grove) Maractus (Mirage Oasis) Heatran (Zero Hoard 10 from Zero Isle Center) Gothitelle (Mystic Gorge) Araquanid (Freedom Coast) Alcremie (Star Cave) Misc: -The UI is now gold! -Intimidator's activation odds have been lowered. Screenshots: Reveal hidden contents Credits: Anonymous: Appraise All, Choose Starter, Expand Poke List, Add Experience Share, Add Types, Dungeon Interrupt, Implement Fairy Gummies, Move Shortcuts, Fix Evolution Glitch, Change Evo System, Change Fixed Floor Properties, Change Text Box Background, Externalize Mappa File, Externalize Waza File, Extract Anim Data, Extract Bar Item List, Extract Dungeon Data, Extract Hardcoded Item Lists, Extract Item Code, Extract Move Code, Extract Object Table, Extract SP Code, Provide ATUPX Support End45/Frostbyte: Disable Tips, No Weather Stop, Same Type Partner, Better Enemy Evolution, Move Shortcuts, Compress IQ Data, Edit Extra Pokemon, Extra Space Cipnit: Far Off Pal Overdrive, Partners Trigger Hidden Traps, Reduce Jumpcut Pause Time, Complete Team Control Adex: Pitfall Trap Tweak, Special Actor Name, a TOOOOON of special processes psy_commando: Actor and Level Loader Jawshoeuh: Ivy Cudgel Happylappy, Chesyon, and I, with help from Adex, Hecka, Mond, deltaflare, and Frostbyte: StarterMenuTool Quiz Recreation Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too many spriters to list here. check the included sprites/portraits credits document for the full list! Misc credits to Mond, happylappy, and Sergey, who were instrumental in me learning SkyTemple, and without, this hack would not be possible. Download You will need a US rom of Explorers of Sky. Use XDeltaUI to install the patch. Enjoy! Explorers of Fortune.zipFetching info... Edited September 23, 2024 by WindchildWhimsy 2 1
Belladonna Posted September 1, 2024 Posted September 1, 2024 Appreciate you putting this one out. My fiancé has been playing in bed with me at the end of the night. I tweaked a couple things in skytemple to up the difficulty a bit and add a few QOL features. But made sure not to spoil anything for myself. Appreciate you taking the time to make this, it's not going unappreciated. Just a notice to those who have some "suggestions" for the hack. It's not the onus of the hack maker to put in every little thing you want. Even if "Oddish is your pokemon persona" it's quite easy to make tweaks in sky temple yourself. Hope to see any further projects you're working on. 1
Starmanexe Posted September 9, 2024 Posted September 9, 2024 Hello! I am having some trouble with the patched ROM: When the patch is complete, the resulting file has no specific classification and, as a result, cannot be read by my emulators. Is there a fix to this?
Belladonna Posted September 9, 2024 Posted September 9, 2024 On 9/9/2024 at 2:24 AM, Starmanexe said: Hello! I am having some trouble with the patched ROM: When the patch is complete, the resulting file has no specific classification and, as a result, cannot be read by my emulators. Is there a fix to this? Expand Heya. When you patch the rom and you are at the point where you name the new rom. After the name add .nds For instance if you name it Fortune It'd be Fortune.nds This will fix it. Enjoy playing!
Starmanexe Posted September 9, 2024 Posted September 9, 2024 On 9/9/2024 at 2:26 AM, Belladonna said: Heya. When you patch the rom and you are at the point where you name the new rom. After the name add .nds For instance if you name it Fortune It'd be Fortune.nds This will fix it. Enjoy playing! Expand Holy crap, it was that simple lol I feel stupid now hahaha Thank you so much! I was half-wondering if anyone would reply, but I am glad you did
Kowaid Posted September 11, 2024 Posted September 11, 2024 Help, i stucked at the chapter 12 when i played on drastic. It ran smoothly at the begining, however when it came to chapter 12, the screen just blacked out and i couldn't do anything.
PandaTrash Posted September 11, 2024 Posted September 11, 2024 Excellent rom hack! I was wondering how do I evolve Swirlix? What item do I need to evolve it?
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 11, 2024 Author Posted September 11, 2024 On 9/11/2024 at 3:28 PM, PandaTrash said: Excellent rom hack! I was wondering how do I evolve Swirlix? What item do I need to evolve it? Expand Link Cable!
Rican.pr96 Posted September 11, 2024 Posted September 11, 2024 How can we update it cause the game stops at chapter 12 bruh
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 11, 2024 Author Posted September 11, 2024 (edited) have you downloaded the latest version? If you got it earlier than a couple days ago or got it from a site besides here or the SkyTemple directory, it's out of date. Edited September 11, 2024 by WindchildWhimsy
shyanddreamy Posted September 11, 2024 Posted September 11, 2024 I have been looking forward to play it, but when I get to the part where I have to hold the finger on the screen, I had some problems. I arrive until the part "Take a deep breath" but then after that it says "Don't move your finger quite yet" and it restarts, even if I didn't move my finger from the screen. I tried it for a bit, but I still got the same result I'm sorry if I ask, but do you perhaps know why it does that? (I have played Explorers of Sky in the past on the same emulator and it didn't give me any problems of this type)
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 11, 2024 Author Posted September 11, 2024 On 9/11/2024 at 8:28 PM, shyanddreamy said: I have been looking forward to play it, but when I get to the part where I have to hold the finger on the screen, I had some problems. I arrive until the part "Take a deep breath" but then after that it says "Don't move your finger quite yet" and it restarts, even if I didn't move my finger from the screen. I tried it for a bit, but I still got the same result I'm sorry if I ask, but do you perhaps know why it does that? (I have played Explorers of Sky in the past on the same emulator and it didn't give me any problems of this type) Expand Fortune's personality quiz was remade from scratch. I've noticed our version is a bit more finicky than OG Sky's. I wasn't the one who worked on that part, so I'm not quite sure why that happens. I can ask the guy who wrote the aura bow script, but in the meantime I suggest just keep trying, it should work eventually! ^^;
shyanddreamy Posted September 11, 2024 Posted September 11, 2024 On 9/11/2024 at 9:26 PM, WindchildWhimsy said: Fortune's personality quiz was remade from scratch. I've noticed our version is a bit more finicky than OG Sky's. I wasn't the one who worked on that part, so I'm not quite sure why that happens. I can ask the guy who wrote the aura bow script, but in the meantime I suggest just keep trying, it should work eventually! ^^; Expand Alright, thank you! You were right anyway, it finally worked after I gave random answers to the questions, so now everything is fine
Rican.pr96 Posted September 12, 2024 Posted September 12, 2024 On 9/11/2024 at 6:16 PM, WindchildWhimsy said: have you downloaded the latest version? If you got it earlier than a couple days ago or got it from a site besides here or the SkyTemple directory, it's out of date. Expand I downloaded from here and it still happened
Rican.pr96 Posted September 12, 2024 Posted September 12, 2024 On 9/11/2024 at 9:31 AM, Kowaid said: Help, i stucked at the chapter 12 when i played on drastic. It ran smoothly at the begining, however when it came to chapter 12, the screen just blacked out and i couldn't do anything. Expand Did you figured something out?
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 12, 2024 Author Posted September 12, 2024 may I ask what your starters are?
Rican.pr96 Posted September 13, 2024 Posted September 13, 2024 On 9/12/2024 at 4:56 PM, WindchildWhimsy said: may I ask what your starters are? Expand Sneasel and ponyta
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 13, 2024 Author Posted September 13, 2024 ahhhh gotcha. yeah my hack has had weeeeeeeeeeeird problems with sprite file size limits in certain cutscenes on-and-off for a while. I thought I'd managed to fix things but apparently not lol. I am working on figuring out a solution, please remain patient! ^^ 1
Rican.pr96 Posted September 13, 2024 Posted September 13, 2024 On 9/13/2024 at 6:18 AM, WindchildWhimsy said: ahhhh gotcha. yeah my hack has had weeeeeeeeeeeird problems with sprite file size limits in certain cutscenes on-and-off for a while. I thought I'd managed to fix things but apparently not lol. I am working on figuring out a solution, please remain patient! ^^ Expand Alright thank you for the info and plz let us know cause im soo into the game im new to this rom hack but i like it already soo much soo let us know plz when its done
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 13, 2024 Author Posted September 13, 2024 Okay I seem to have fixed it! Or it fixed itself. I'm honestly not sure lol but everything seems to be in order. Gotta wait for the edit to be approved, but in the meantime you can find the update on the SkyTemple hack directory!
Eagle0395 Posted September 23, 2024 Posted September 23, 2024 Hello, I am having an issue where after the personality quiz I go to select piplup and the portrait is missing then I start the game as monferno.
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 23, 2024 Author Posted September 23, 2024 ah thanks for bringing this to my attention! You can find the fixed version here!
JolteonofVapor Posted September 25, 2024 Posted September 25, 2024 Where do you find the final item to repair magearna? I can't figure it out and I haven't seen anything about it elsewhere.
WindchildWhimsy Posted September 25, 2024 Author Posted September 25, 2024 On 9/25/2024 at 5:55 AM, JolteonofVapor said: Where do you find the final item to repair magearna? I can't figure it out and I haven't seen anything about it elsewhere. Expand Reveal hidden contents Temporal Tower, in Monster Houses and inside the walls (use One-Room Orbs, Trawl Orbs (I think?), or get lucky with Rock Smash lol
Hyro Posted October 2, 2024 Posted October 2, 2024 Hello, Really nice hack i loved my first playtrough of it with pawniard and cubone I plan to start again but with a little bit more of min/maxing in mind this time. By any chance do you have a doc with the movepool and iq groups of the Pokémon you added? Or a way to find it beforehand.
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