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Unfortunately, I have experienced errors when exporting edited PkHex saves to my 3ds via JKSV. 
I would like to clarify that for years I have always acted in the same way when editing my games and I have never had problems until this last year. The last time I had this incident of corrupted games, I found a solution by changing Game Sync to all 0, but that is no longer a solution. It should be noted that I already tried exporting an unedited save from a long time ago which gave me no problems and I still had this corrupted game message again. I will also upload an image of the root so you can check that everything is in order, because, as I have already said, the editing process has not been different enough for an error to occur. I really need to recover this game as well as be able to edit my 3DS games normally again as I did before.

I hope that some of you can help me, I will be grateful and I will provide any information that can help solve this problem. First of all, I apologize as I'm not very good at all things IT, so I appreciate your patience as well. 
Without further ado, I'm eagerly awaiting a response, thank you very much for reading.

Captura de pantalla 2024-07-18 234927.png


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