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Gen 3 is my favorite generation in terms of gameplay and design. When it came out back in 2003 (in my country at least), i remember playing those games for hours and hours. I was enamoured with my Ruby copy and I would look up strategies for Battle Tower on the internet, though i could never build the team i wanted because it felt impossible to get the natures required (i didnt even know IVs at that point so natures was the only thing I aimed for).

When Pokemon Colloseum came out in 2004, i wanted it badly but sadly couldn't get it. For the years to come, I would watch Youtube videos of the game and wanted to play it myself. In 2005, Pokemon Emerald came out and while it is considered the "better" game of the three, i always had a soft spot for RS because i liked the character designs better and much prefered Steven as a Champion along with a few gameplay differences.

In 2019, I decided to try and fulfill my dream of setting up a team in Pokemon Ruby and using to win the Pokemon Colloseum Battle Mode challenges. There were two restrictions i had for it:

1.Only Pokmeon from RS and Coloseum would be allowed since, when Coloseum came out, these would have been the only Pokemon available to the player. This also extends to movesets as well. Hence, No Explosion for Metagross and powerful walls like Blissey and Snorlax.

2.No Legendaries. The AI uses them but the player receives a pokecoupon discount if they have even one legendary in their team.

The team that I would use was: Salamence, Metagross, Weezing, Ludicolo, Alakazam and Swampert. Its a simple team using two walls (Weezing and Ludicolo), 2 Physical Sweepers (Salamence and Metagross), 1 special sweeper (Alakazam) and Swampert which is a mixed sweeper/wall.

Now, making this team on Ruby without a save editor was impossible. The Pokemon i settled for didnt have the best Natures and IVs so I got crushed in the Colloseum Mode. I found out about RNG manipulation but couldnt really get it at that point so i stopped trying.

In 2024, just a week ago as a mater of fact, i built this team from scratch on a new save file. I did RNG manipulation on an emulator using a lua script for RS, RunAsDate and Pokefinder. I RNG manipped 4 pokemon through breeding, a starter Mudkip, the gift Beldum and a Latios on Southern Island that i useed along with the former two on Battle Tower in which I got over 150 wins. I didn't use any save states or save editors or cheat codes just the scripts and the frame advancing functions of VBA as well as an item duplication glitch i discovered recently in order to get my team to level 100.

I created the team that I dreamt of and, this time,  I won all the torunaments in Coloseum. It was a challenge and possibly the most thrilling experience I have had with Pokemon in my life. It could have gone better if i had better insight on the AI's pokemon stats and behavior but i figured out their sets after losing a few times. It's also beautiful how i started my adventure with Mudkip and it was Swampert (though not the same one I used ingame) that finished the final battle, taking out two Pokemon with Earthquake. I used the PokeCoupons I earned to get a Petaya Berry which i transfered to my Pokemon Ruby save file.

Unfrotunately, my computer overheats a lot when running Pokemon Colosseum on the Dolphin emulator at 60fps. I have great performance but it pushes my hardware to its limits. So, i want to share my save file with the pokefans here. Hopefully someone has a computer that can run Coloseum and it would be great if someone could get my save file or at least the pokemon from it on a cartridge and use them on an actual GameCube. If there are any people here who are fans of the original incarnation of gen 3 and want a save file with what would have been a top tier team in 2003, this save file is for you.

It would also be great if someone could complete the Hoen Dex and the Master Rank Contests in order to get all 4 stars on the Trainer's Cards.  Then it would be a truly 100% Ruby Save file (I was also lucky enough to have the Lilycove Rooftop Sale-Out so i got most of the decorations in the game).  The game also has 10k Pokecoupons which i won from the Pokemon Colloseum Cups. This save file is to be used with the mGBA emulator. VBA doesn't read it as it is due to it being 129kb so you would have to find a way to convert it for VBA use.

Pokemon - Ruby Version (USA, Europe) (Rev 2).savFetching info...

Edited by dragonkin95
  • dragonkin95 changed the title to A 20 year old dream come true

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