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hello this is my first post on this forum and im not sure if it is against the rules but i did read them and said nothing about a request like this

if u can supply me the team exactly as i ask i will pay u 5$ threw paypal im not looking for cheap easily hacked pokemon i need something that will pass and within all the guidelines of a real pokemon taht could have been bred or cought

now all these pokemon im about to list share some common things with the creating such as

-max happiness

-regular pokeballs

-level 50

-the same OT and player ID

-maxed ev's (cant gain anymore)

and here is the team exactly as i need it (there all ghost its for a convention event with friends ill explain it if u make them for me lol)

note: the iv's are already calculated to be the right hidden powers on the first 3


nature: modest

item: life orb

iv's and ev's

hp: 22

atk: 14

def: 22, 4

spa: 30, 252

spd: 18

spe: 26, 252




hidden power (fighting)



nature: timid

item: choice specs

iv's and ev's

hp: 22, 4

atk: 10

def: 18

spa: 27, 252

spd: 23

spe: 31, 252



shadow ball

signal beam

hidden power (ice)


nature: timid

item: life orb

iv's and ev's

hp: 26, 4

atk: 6

def: 19

spa: 26, 252


spe: 26, 252


nasty plot

shadow ball

hidden power (fire)

energy ball


nature: adamant

item: focus sash

iv's and ev's

hp: 14

atk: 30, 255

def: 9

spa: 22

spd: 12

spe: 29, 255


swords dance


shadow sneak

aerial ace


nature: impish

item: leftovers

iv's and ev's

hp: 27, 252

atk: 28, 28

def: 24, 228

spa: 8

spd: 21

spe: 12


will o wisp

pain split


ice punch


ability: aftermath

nature: timid

item: leftovers

iv's and ev's

hp: 31, 252

atk: 13

def: 24

spa: 22, 4

spd: 19

spe: 25, 252




baton pass

shadow ball

my pal code is: 2064 0824 1891

and u can also add me to your contact list on msn: Itsonme42@yahoo.com

thank you for reading and contact me if you can fulfill this request

  Itsonme said:
hello this is my first post on this forum and im not sure if it is against the rules but i did read them and said nothing about a request like this

Welcome to ProjectPokemon.

Pokemon requests should go to to >>this thread<<.

This is the DPPt games discussion thread.

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