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Pokémon Platinum crashing

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Hello there

I encountered a problem while playing my physical copy of Platinum. I'm on my way to route 224 to catch Shaymin but am getting a game crash when I encounter Marley in Victory road. Her sprite is not loading and the crash happens when the dialogue box closes after she joins you. I've tried extracting my save to see if there's a way I can get around it in PKHeX but I've had no luck. If anyone has any ideas, I will try whatever I can. Thanks all

Edit: I forgot to mention that I tried using a rom of platinum to try to bypass this and that crashed as well 

Edited by OneCricket
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I've just encountered this problem recently on my physical copy too 🫠

From what I've researched, it's a glitch that's happened within the save data at some point and the only way to fix it is to load a previous save (if you're using PKSM/Checkpoint for backups etc) and continue playing from that point without the glitch 🥲

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