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Gen IV Soft soil and berry growth states, help wanted

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I have searched and searched about answers to this topic, but it doesn't seem to garner much interest.

Essentially, where do Gen IV games store their data about 1) Individual water status for patches of soil, 2) what berry is planted in a particular patch, and 3) what the growth status of the respective berry is which is planted in that patch of soil.

I know that data has to exist somewhere in the save file, so I thought I'd try PkHeX's "Event flag researcher" to compare a save with zero berries growing anywhere to a single patch of berries planted. But it came up empty handed. My next approach was comparing the two saves side by side with a hex editor, and indeed, there are differences. However, those differences are huge, and can't just account for a single berry being planted. So I'm kind of banging my head against the wall on this one.

Furthermore, not a single AR code seems to exist which affects or alters berry growth, indicating to me that this is either not important, or the good folks who create AR codes haven't figured it out yet either. I'd like to think it's the former, not the later. All info regarding berries in Gen IV seems to concern themselves with individual berry stats, growth times, soil moisture drain rates, yield formulas, etc. but nothing about how to actually modify it in game (not counting the different types of mulch).

I feel like Gen IV games have to offer some of the most interesting berry mechanics in the series, and therefore would be a great starting point for the creation of berry rom hacks (different types of soils, better fertilizing mechanics, improved weather and terrain properties affecting growth, etc. I have no shortage of ideas). But, I don't even know where to start with this.

Perhaps this topic has been dissected elsewhere, if so I couldn't find it (and would totally appreciate a link).

Thank you for your time.

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