Shammywolf363 Posted August 14, 2021 Posted August 14, 2021 (edited) Previous Page Next Page Explorers of Memories Official Demo v.2.1.1 Explorers of Memories is a romhack where the protagonist never lost their memories, and this effects the story in many ways causing events to never happen or making events happen earlier than they should. However, this is not a retelling of the original story, instead it is a brand-new story with elements of the original. This should be played after you finish the original sky as it spoils many things. Chapters 1 and up to 12 are currently completed as of this demo. This patch is for US versions of the game and works with Xenophobia and Clean roms. FIXES/NEW CONTENT Many Dungeons have experienced a variety of different changes to them: New items, Tms, Pokemon, Pokemon removed, enemy moveset changes, and some dungeons have been redone! To account for these changes, there are two categories added (Patch 2.1.0 Removed Pokemon and Dungeon Changes). Here are some of the noteworthy changes: Amp Plains/Far Amp Plains have been redone and is now a 27-32 dungeon with new Pokemon to face! The NPC to unlock the dungeon is in the crossroads for those with older save files that beat Nothern Desert (This dungeon unlocks after being assigned to explore Northern Desert). Forest Pathway has been entirely redone with new Pokemon that better fit the Pokemon in Foggy Forest The following dungeons have had Pokemon removed from them as certain Pokemon are not needed or their role is already covered: Apple Woods, Craggy Coast/Side Path, Mt. Horn, Pathless Cavern, and Northern Desert. The following dungeons have had Pokemon added to them: Rock Path, Foggy Forest, and Pathless Cavern Poisonous Swamp and Pathless Cavern now have proper job rankings All Dungeons have had their Pokemon spawn rates adjusted Added a warning after beating Mesprit to mention that saving can make the player unable to return to Treasure Town The last thing to mention is that Dusknoir's portrait has been added to menu over Manectric's Portrait Lush Prairie and Serenity River have been redone with many new Pokemon and items to find! Lush Prairie is a 10 floor (20-25) dungeon with floors 8-10 having a low chance for Sitrus Berries and Joy Seeds to appear with floor 10 also having a very high chance for Friend Bows to appear! Serenity River is a 6 floor (15-17) dungeon with all floors having a high chance for Gold Ribbons to appear! Did some miscellaneous edits to various dungeons Edited Zubat's HP in Skuntank's fight to make him more in line with Koffing and Skuntank Hello, This is Shammywolf363, and I have an update for Explorers of Memories. I'm really sorry to say that I have decided to cancel it, I just don't have the time or the desire to keep working on it. In the beginning I was so excited to create my own tale; however, around the time of the third story update past the guild expedition, something began to change. I found myself disliking how the story was going and began to become frustrated with myself over the lack of progress on the next story update. I found myself working less and less on it to the point where a month would go by with no progress, and that isn't right for people who were waiting on the next update. It even got to the point where I wouldn't log onto Discord because I felt horribly guilty about the lack of progress. I'm really sorry about this, and I will still keep everything up for people who want to play it. QOL CHANGES Beginner Tips are disabled! Experience Share has been added! Once your Team gains experience in Dungeons any backup Pokemon will also gain 80% of the experience as well. You can now choose the starter you want! You and your partner can now be the same type/species! Move shortcuts have been added so you can now use shortcuts like in Gti, Super, and DX. Evolution Glitch has been fixed, so now characters with 10 letters can evolve! Text Speed is faster! Spinda's drink-mixing animation is much faster (you can hold B to skip right through it!) Anti-Softlock has been patched to the game! (Pressing A, B, X, Y will force the game to continue) You can now control your teammates in Dungeons after pressing Start. To disable this once its activated press Start when it is the Leader's turn. STARTER CHANGES Phanphy has been removed as a starter/partner choice Ralts replaces F Turtwig (Timid nature)/M Phanphy (Relaxed nature) , Riolu replaces F Totodile (Sassy nature), Buneary is now an F Partner replacing M Phanphy, Buneary replaces F Squirtle (Bold) Munchlax Partner has been replaced by Ralts (M), Munchlax is now a M starter (Quirky nature), Squirtle M is changed to calm nature F Bulbasaur (Docile nature) has been changed to Misdreavus (Starter only) M Piplup Starter (Impish nature) has been changed to Eevee. M Torchic (hardy nature) has been changed to Abra (Starter only) Eevee, Abra, Chikorita, Misdreavus, Torchic, Ralts, and Buneary's stats have all been adjusted to make them viable starter/partner choices Starter/Partner Moveset changes are in a separate document called Starter Movesets ABILITY CHANGES All Enemies have their hidden abilities if they have them and they do not have two abilities already (and it doesn't break early game). If their evolution has a hidden ability, but the pre-evolution does not then the pre-evolution will also get the hidden ability. Hidden Abilities are only given to pokemon if they are released and can be legitimately found on that Pokemon. All Starters and their evolutions have two abilities if they did not have two abilities before. Most of the abilities added to the starters are based on their hidden ability (if available/not broken) or community feedback. Some hidden Abilities that damage the Pokemon, such as Solar Power, are not added to starters, but instead to their evolutions. Gen 1: Charmander (Blaze/Flame Body)/Charmeleon and Charizard (Blaze/Solar Power), Bulbasaur line (Overgrow/Chlorophyll), Squirtle (Torrent/Battle Armor)/Wartortle and Blastoise (Torrent/Rain Dish), Pikachu line (Static/LightningRod (this may seem broken, but remember this means that enemies have these abilities as well), Eevee (Adaptablity/Anticipation)/Vaporeon(Water Absorb/Hydration)/Jolteon(Volt Absorb/Quick Feet)/ Flareon(Flash Fire/Guts)/Espeon(Synchronize/Trace)/Umbreon(Synchronize/Inner Focus)/Leafeon(Leaf Guard/Chlorophyll)/Glaceon(Snow Cloak/Ice Body), Meowth line (Abilities are the same), Abra line (Synchronize/Magic Guard), Vulpix (Flash Fire/Flame Body)/Ninetales (Flash Fire/Drought) Gen 2: Cyndaquil line (Blaze/Flash Fire), Chikorita line (Overgrow/Effect Spore), Totodile line (Torrent/Anger Point), Misdreavus line (Levitate/Rivalry) Gen 3: Torchic and Combusken (Blaze/Quick Feet)/Blaziken (Blaze/Speedboost), Treecko line (Overgrow/Natural Cure), Mudkip line (Torrent/Damp), Skitty line (Cute Charm/Scrappy), Gallade has the same abilities as the rest of his line (Synchronize/Trace). Gen 4: Chimchar line (Blaze/Flame Body), Turtwig line (Overgrow/Shell Armour), Piplup (Torrent/Tangled Feet), Shinx line (Guts/Intimidate), Buneary line (Scrappy/Cute Charm), Munchlax line (Abilities are the same), Riolu line (Iron Fist/Inner Focus) ENEMY CHANGES The Exp. Yield for certain enemies are lower if they appear within the first 3 dungeons All Pokemon in dungeons covers starter weaknesses All dungeon enemies through chapters 1-3 have been edited, so enemies do not spam moves like Mud Sport constantly Most dungeon enemies have egg moves\TM moves if they need them; not all enemies will have egg moves\TM moves, since some do not have any at all or other Pokemon in the dungeon cover starter weaknesses Enemy moveset changes are featured in a separate document (Enemy Moveset) RANK CHANGES Lowered points needed for Ranks above Master ★★: Master ★★★: 50000 (from 100000) Changed Rank Item Rewards: Silver: Friend Bow, Diamond: Ginseng, Super/Ultra: Gold Ribbon ITEM CHANGES Lowered berry (Rawst, Cheri, and Sitrus) and Heal Seed prices (Heal Seeds are 150 (down from 250), Rawst berries are 60 (down from 90), Cheri berries are 60 (down are 80), and Sitrus berries are 2000 instead of 2500) Raised the Prices of Vile and Violent Seeds to 500 (Vile from 350 and Violent from 150) DUNGEON CHANGES Enemies in dungeons get progressively harder as the floors go on The side path dungeons in chapter 7-8 (Side Path, Rock Path, and Forest Path) have Chanseys to help the player level up if they need it (these Chansey have a higher chance to spawn than any other enemies) Information about Poisonous Swamp and Pathless Cavern can be found in the New Dungeon Spoilers Eyedrop Seeds, Violent Seeds, Hungry Seeds, and Vile Seeds are more rare to find in dungeons Warp seeds are slightly more common to find in dungeons Gold and Purple Gummies can be found in early dungeons Beach Cave (2-5): Added Anorith, Pink Shellos, Tangela, Baltoy, Tyrogue Drenched Bluff (6-8): Added Blue Shellos, Zubat, Krabby, Heracross Mt. Bristle (8-13): Added Chansey has been added to floors 2, 5, 8 (low spawn rate), Spearow, Larvitar, Nincada, Cubone Waterfall Cave (13-15): Added Golbat, Pinsir, Rattata Apple Woods (15-18): Added Metapod, Natu, Pichu, Pikachu, Duskull, Seedot, Nuzleaf, and Swablu. Pikachu and Nuzleaf appear on later floors. Pichu/Pikachu do not spawn on all floors and are rare spawns. Pichu spawns on floors 1, 2, 4, 5, 9. Pikachu on 9, 12 Craggy Coast (18-20): Added Gastly, Haunter, Golbat, Cleffa, and Pink Gastrodon Side Path (17-18): Now has 6 floors. Added Gastly, Golbat, Cleffa, Chansey, and Pink Gastrodon Mt. Horn (20-23): Added Silcoon, Dustox, Meditite, Machop, Machoke, Sudowoodo, Absol, and Xatu. Xatu is a rare spawn on floors 10-14 Rock Path (19-20): Now has 6 floors. Added Wurmple, Venonat, Chansey and Machop Foggy Forest (23-25): Added Murkrow, Linoone, Numel, Carnivine, Noctowl, and Cherrim Forest Path: (22-23): Now has 6 floors. Dungeon has been redone and now contains: Zigzagoon, Murkrow, Numel, Cherubi, Pinsir, Chansey, and Kricketot. Steam Cave: (25-27): Removed Numel. Added Phanphy, Solrock, Absol, and Tyrogue Upper Steam Cave (27-28): Removed Yanma, Farfetch'd, and Kricketune. Added Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Hitmontop, Magmar, Magcargo, Absol, Solrock, and Donphan. Hitmonlee spawns on floors 9-10, Hitmonchan spawns on floors 11-13, and Hitmontop spawns on floors 14-15 Northern Desert (Lvl 29-33): Removed Cubone. Added Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Diglett, Dugtrio, Baltoy, Skorupi, Drapion, Sandslash, Claydol Amp Plains (27-29): Dungeon has been redone and now contains: Mareep, Elekid, Phanpy, Shinx, Girafarig, Flaffy, Electabuzz, Tauros, Electrike, Houndour, Kangaskhan, Luxio, Plusle, Minun. Plusle will apear on the even floors while Minun will appear on the odd floors Far Amp Plains (29-32): Dungeon has been redone and now contains: Luxray, Luxio, Manectric, Ampharos, Flaffy, Electabuzz, Electivire, Tauros, Girafarig, Donphan, Houndoom, and Kangaskhan. Quicksand Cave (32-35): Removed Skorupi, Mawile, and Sandslash. Added Dugtrio, Beldum, Drapion, Golbat, Cubone, Marowak, Solrock (Even Floors), and Lunatone (Odd Floors) Quicksand Pit (34-37): Now has 8 floors. Removed Ninjask, Sandslash, Skorupi, and Dugtrio. Added Beldum, Crobat, Marowak, Metang, Vibrava, Flygon, and Hippodown PATCH 2.1.0 REMOVED POKEMON Apple Forest: Budew Craggy Coast/Side Path: Krabby and Aron Mt. Horn: Pineco Foggy Forest: Dunsparce Pathless Cavern: Politoed and Yanma PATCH 2.1.0 DUNGEON CHANGES Beach Cave now has status berries (Pecha, Cheri, Rawst, Chesto) and Apples Mt. Bristle now has Gray and Brown Gummis with Big Apples now having a chance to appear on floors 7-9 Waterfall Cave now has Zinc and Def. Bands/Scarfs Apple Woods now has Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs that can be found along with Zinc and Def. Bands/Scarfs Craggy Coast now has Gold Gummis Mt. Horn now has Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs Foggy Forest now no longer has an overly tough Carnivine on the first floor (was level 27). It also now appears on floors 4 and 5. Added Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs along with Def., Zinc, Pecha, and Persim Bands/Scarfs Steam Cave and Upper Steam Cave now have Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs Poisonous Swamp will have Ekans and Gloom appear on floors 1-4 while Arbok and Vileplume will appear of floors 5-10 in Poisonous Swamp. Also added Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs and edited the job rankings for the dungeon (it's now A instead of E every floor). Pathless Cavern now will have S rank missions and Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs Northern Desert now has Psychic and Shadow Ball TMs Pokemon added to dungeons: Rock Path: Absol Foggy Forest: Pinsir Pathless Cavern: Graveler BOSS CHANGES Koffing/Zubat has been buffed Drowzee has been buffed Groudon has been buffed Mesprit has been buffed and moveset has been changed OTHER CHANGES Changed Menu Music to Living Spirit (may be changed in the future) Teammates can now trigger hidden traps (to help balance being able to control them in dungeons) All added starters have sleep animations/portraits (Ralts, Buneary, and Misdreavus have full starter animations) There is a 'Made in Skytemple' screen in the intro Bidoof/Sunflora's diaries have a temporary script until I can properly edit it SPECIAL THANKS Thank you to everyone listed below along with those who played and beta tested Explorers of Memories. You are amazing! Portrait Credits: Grovyle portraits: Davilos Buneary Portraits: frostibirb, smbmaster99 Buneary Sprite: JFain Ralts Portraits: JFain Ralts Sprite: JFain Misdreavus portraits: RoyalRust Misdreavus Sprite: Emboarger Abra Portraits: JFain Dusknoir Portraits: Garbage Sableye Portraits: drawsstuff, Phillips196 Duskull Portraits: baronessfaron Patch Credits: ChooseStarter - Anonymous DisableTips - End45 SameTypePartner - End45 Anti-Softlock - End45 AddExperienceShare - Anonymous MoveShortcuts - End45, Anonymous FixEvolutionGlitch - Anonymous UnusedDungeonChance - End45 ExtractDungeonData - Anonymous ActorandLevelLoader - psy_commando CompleteTeamControl - Cipnit PartnersTriggerHiddenTraps - Cipnit FarOffPalOverdrive - Cipnit ReduceJumpcutPauseTime - Cipnit EditExtraPokemon - End45 ExtraSpace: End45 ExtractHardcodedItemLists: Anonymous Here are some picture that shown some of the changes I've made: Reveal hidden contents Previous Page Next Page Explorer of Memories Official Demo V.2.1.1.rarFetching info... Edited January 11 by Shammywolf363 Canceled 3
DaMaverickBlast Posted September 25, 2021 Posted September 25, 2021 This looks really interesting, I saw a let's play on youtube and I look foward to see a complete version. Random request: think you can put Trapinch? Maybe instead of Meowth?
call me k Posted November 10, 2021 Posted November 10, 2021 can you add a link to just the move shortcuts patch?
Kulev Posted January 26, 2022 Posted January 26, 2022 heya just wanted to say that the game lore is really interesting, love the fact we can have Ralts as a partner as well! Hope everything is going well!
pizzagod13 Posted April 7, 2022 Posted April 7, 2022 (edited) So I just started playing this hack. And I think misdreavus might be a bit busted. When I LV up i get +2 to all stats, each level, one level I even got +3! My partner only gets +1. Is this intentional? I am only level 8, so 3 levels is not that big of a serving size, but it seems pretty busted so far... edit: maybe I am just a dum-dum, just saw my partner get a 2 and a 3 in one level up. So maybe I just got lucky? Edited April 7, 2022 by pizzagod13
pizzagod13 Posted April 7, 2022 Posted April 7, 2022 Okay, since I am no life crew, I went and finished the demo, not sure how often you look at this page but here is some feedback Misdreavius 100% gets more stats then my partner (bunnery) did, I think I got +2 to each of my stats for all of my levels, I finished at I think 21? My partner on the other hand only got +2 to a single stat a couple of times. I imagine this is not intentional? Misdreavius also levels much slower, it only amounted to being 1 whole level lower than my partner, but I imagine over the course of the entire game that is gonna add up. Otherwise, the gameplay is pretty standard and their is no much to be said about the gameplay side, it is pretty standard stuff, enemies having TM/Special moves was interesting, but was never super problematic. I think I only died once? And that was because I decide to take on a monster house job at like lv 10. Did not go well lol. One suggestion that I think is good on the gameplay side is to add a quick patch for the Spinda Cafe, I know that other hacks like Explorers of the Skies have done it, so it is possible. It just makes it so that making drinks is so much faster and less tedious, but that is a minor thing. Story Stuff Reveal hidden contents I really liked the story so far! The dynamic between the MC and the Dusknoir is interesting, the way they talk to each other about the past really does feel like they were once friends, who have since grown distant... I like how they talk about things in a incognito fashion too, since they don't want to bring up where they are really from. I feel like it is pretty well written, but I am a sucker for fleshing out villain characters more, so maybe I am just biased. The MC talking and their interactions with the partner Pokemon are also interesting, they actually feel like friends, which is cool. The part where the partner hugged the MC melted my heart It does feel like Grovyle does not appear nearly as much as they should, they got like one new cutscene of worrying about the MC and that is it. Which is a bit weird. But I guess if the story is meant to be more about the relationship of the MC and Dusknoir it makes sense. Anyway, really liked the story, looking forward to seeing how it develops (once it comes off of hiatus)!
pizzagod13 Posted May 29, 2022 Posted May 29, 2022 (edited) This is off of hiatus now? Sweet! I just finished a repeat save of this a few days ago and missed the update... whoops! Out of curiosity, how major are the new dialogue changes? EDIT: So based on the read me it is mostly that one scene. Neat, might have to replay it just for that, we will see! Edited May 29, 2022 by pizzagod13
Peachstar36 Posted June 1, 2022 Posted June 1, 2022 (edited) I went through a character arc trying to figure out how to patch this but I did and I’m liking it so far! I’m not sure if this classifies as spoilers but I noticed unique dialogue when we got to the guild and the human character was Misdreavus. I giggled when I saw that. Again I’m liking this so far I can’t wait to see more. Edit: Also something I noticed when I tried to have my human character be a Bunnery I couldn’t have Misdreavus as my partner. Or maybe I couldn’t have Misdreavus has my partner because of their lack of legs and the opening cutscene I don’t know something I noticed. Edited June 1, 2022 by Peachstar36
Kulev Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 Hi! I just wanted to ask how things are going? Hard to believe last update was 1 year ago!
TinchoX Posted February 4, 2023 Posted February 4, 2023 On 2/4/2023 at 3:01 PM, Kulev said: Hi! I just wanted to ask how things are going? Hard to believe last update was 1 year ago! Expand Yup... An update would most certainly be welcomed.
Shammywolf363 Posted February 5, 2023 Author Posted February 5, 2023 On 2/4/2023 at 3:01 PM, Kulev said: Hi! I just wanted to ask how things are going? Hard to believe last update was 1 year ago! Expand On 2/4/2023 at 3:09 PM, TinchoX said: Yup... An update would most certainly be welcomed. Expand Hello, Things have been really hectic the last year, and I wanted to tell you both that EoM will have an update in two months! I updated the main post to list some of the things being added in the next update. Thank you for playing! 2
Shammywolf363 Posted March 17, 2023 Author Posted March 17, 2023 Hello, This is Shammywolf363, and I am sorry to say that the next patch of Explorers of Memories will be releasing at the end of May. As much as I want to release it right now, I am not happy with it right now and do not want to release a patch knowing that I could have done so much better. I figure an extra two months will give me enough time to polish it up as much as I can. I am really sorry for the delay!
Shammywolf363 Posted May 23, 2023 Author Posted May 23, 2023 Hello, This is Shammywolf363, and I wanted to update you all on Explorers of Memories. The next version will be released on the 26th! I am very sorry about the year-long wait! I had to deal with finishing my senior year in college, personal life issues, having to restart a couple of times, and constantly changing the story. Also, I finally hit the point in the story where everything will be new territory! Here is what will be in the update! This update will have the following: Chapters 10 up to 12 are complete! Starter rebalancing (The new starters, partners, old starters (Eevee, Chikorita, and Torchic), and their evolutions now have had their stats adjusted to be on par with other starters! Two new story dungeons! Spinda's drink mixing is now much quicker! And much more! 1
TinchoX Posted May 28, 2023 Posted May 28, 2023 (edited) On 5/23/2023 at 7:13 PM, Shammywolf363 said: Hello, This is Shammywolf363, and I wanted to update you all on Explorers of Memories. The next version will be released on the 26th! I am very sorry about the year-long wait! I had to deal with finishing my senior year in college, personal life issues, having to restart a couple of times, and constantly changing the story. Also, I finally hit the point in the story where everything will be new territory! Here is what will be in the update! This update will have the following: Chapters 10 up to 12 are complete! Starter rebalancing (The new starters, partners, old starters (Eevee, Chikorita, and Torchic), and their evolutions now have had their stats adjusted to be on par with other starters! Two new story dungeons! Spinda's drink mixing is now much quicker! And much more! Expand Noice! Much appreciated!! By the way, is starting from scatch a requirement if I started my save with Ralts and Buneary? Will I encounter bugs or glitches if I continue from my last patch save? It'd be a drag... but if there's no choice... I'll do it. Edited May 28, 2023 by TinchoX Added a question.
Shammywolf363 Posted June 1, 2023 Author Posted June 1, 2023 On 5/28/2023 at 3:13 PM, TinchoX said: Noice! Much appreciated!! By the way, is starting from scatch a requirement if I started my save with Ralts and Buneary? Will I encounter bugs or glitches if I continue from my last patch save? It'd be a drag... but if there's no choice... I'll do it. Expand Sorry for the late reply, but the reason for starting over with the starters & partners listed above, is because I changed their base stats. I have no idea if changing those stats will update in the old save files. I tested it and strangely enough in some save files it would update and others it wouldn't. So, I figured it would be best to be on the safe side and tell everyone who has those pokemon to start over. 1
BrysonStrife Posted June 4, 2023 Posted June 4, 2023 Why!!? Why Did the End of the Demo give me so much Feelings! But I am so excited to see what the next Update will be or when it will be to know what Happens next! But in all seriousness this is a great ROm hack and a Great Story and does a lot of "What If" Moments to the Game I always wanted to ask and refuse the exploration of the Team Making It also reminds me of the Fugitives mini Plot in Blue and Red Rescue Team which I love a lot, Please keep at it and I hope you add a Community Discord where we can keep an eye on some Updates you have for the Future of this Game! So Excited and So Hype 1
TinchoX Posted June 4, 2023 Posted June 4, 2023 On 6/1/2023 at 8:57 AM, Shammywolf363 said: Sorry for the late reply, but the reason for starting over with the starters & partners listed above, is because I changed their base stats. I have no idea if changing those stats will update in the old save files. I tested it and strangely enough in some save files it would update and others it wouldn't. So, I figured it would be best to be on the safe side and tell everyone who has those pokemon to start over. Expand Didn't see any difference (Stat-wise), except for the fact that I got better prepared for the last part. Last time I got my butt handed to me. Love what you did, few grammatical mistakes here and there (like the use of "your" instead of "you're", and a few weird spaces when talking to Dusknoir), but other than that, it's pretty good! Can't wait for more content!
BrysonStrife Posted June 10, 2023 Posted June 10, 2023 So might I ask since I didnt know when you last posed this... whats the estimated time of the next Update? Like how long just thought I'd ask since I loved the game so much
Shammywolf363 Posted June 11, 2023 Author Posted June 11, 2023 On 6/10/2023 at 3:19 PM, BrysonStrife said: So might I ask since I didnt know when you last posed this... whats the estimated time of the next Update? Like how long just thought I'd ask since I loved the game so much Expand The next minor update will be released on Thursday! (I will update the post in the morning). The next major update will be released in the next couple of months (no date yet).
BrysonStrife Posted June 11, 2023 Posted June 11, 2023 On 6/11/2023 at 6:56 AM, Shammywolf363 said: The next minor update will be released on Thursday! (I will update the post in the morning). The next major update will be released in the next couple of months (no date yet). Expand oh the Minor Update? I hope it will go up to a bit past the ending of Chapter 12
Shammywolf363 Posted June 11, 2023 Author Posted June 11, 2023 On 6/11/2023 at 12:31 PM, BrysonStrife said: oh the Minor Update? I hope it will go up to a bit past the ending of Chapter 12 Expand Unfortunately, no. It's mostly a minor update that fixes some errors and balances things. I like to release the story in chucks, so it follows together easier (and so I can update things if I have new ideas).
BrysonStrife Posted June 14, 2023 Posted June 14, 2023 On 6/11/2023 at 5:32 PM, Shammywolf363 said: Unfortunately, no. It's mostly a minor update that fixes some errors and balances things. I like to release the story in chucks, so it follows together easier (and so I can update things if I have new ideas). Expand Oh I see but honestly, I can't wait to see what you have to add to the "And More..." section, many minor updates are good for example Changing the Main Title when you defeat Team Skull from Manectric to Skuntank Adding Amp Plains to the Job Notice Board and many more I hope to see in the future
kinu Posted March 27, 2024 Posted March 27, 2024 (edited) I played to the end of the demo! Looking forward to more progress in the future! Personally, I think it would be nice to have sound effects when the main character speaks, like other hacks. Also, I don't have a problem with a little more difficulty. Edited March 27, 2024 by kinu miss. 1
Veritable Posted June 18, 2024 Posted June 18, 2024 Fantastic ROM hack. Looking forward to what you do with the story in the future. Created an account to applaud the quality because it was just that good.
SleeplessArcher Posted June 27, 2024 Posted June 27, 2024 Just finished the demo - this rom hack is amazing! I can't wait for the next update!
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