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Friend Code: 3824 4999 0279

i need it to look legit thanks bye :)

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Anti-Lead Dragonite this code is for heart gold. i need the pokemon by trade


Let's see what I can do...

@ Mikal: I can't make it totally legal, since I don't have the Trash Byte Normalizer. Do you want me to try making that?

@ chaos_scrap: I don't know if I'm going to have to modify that code to format it correctly, but I'll try putting that on my AR... I've heard of problems with codes formatted incorrectly, though, and I really don't want to fix that. Posting the .pkm file would be nice.

@ James007: I'll get to making those now~

EDIT: Actually, James, your requests are confusing me somewhat a lot because you put locations in both the met and hatched sections. Example, do you want that Moltres from an egg from Mt. Silver, hatched at Mt. Silver...?

I'll PM people whenever I'm ready to trade.


How about this code, Knight? Made it through the wonderful PokeGen, so it should work.

L + R to activate, it places the Arceus in Party Slot 1.

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Make as legal as possible please!

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Thats fine it doesnt have to be perfect, also when would you be willing to trade me it? Im on eastern coast but i cant trade today cus dont got my ds


@ AvengingTheKnight: Great, you're very welcome. Any time you need a code, you know where to go.

@ Mikal: All right, I can do that. Well, not today, definitely. I'm a bit busy with other requests... But for tomorrow, I'll be gone quite a while for a concert. I'll be back around 11 PM, CST, so I'm not sure if we can trade, unless you'll be around that time.


Not sure if anyone ever saw my request, I know you guys are really busy and I really appreciate all the work you put in.

I added the movesets to each pokemon

Don't have an AR and not really sure how to use the pokesav, can someone please trade me these over WiFi for Heartgold?

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HeartGold Friend Code: 3825 0821 4835

Please PM me when ready, sorry if I seem to be pestering

Thanks! and Appreciate all the hard work put in to help everyone!


Can someone please make these and trade themw ith me?

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Name: Rikuto

FC: 3266-7769-5061

Take your time. Thanks again.


Wow. Lots of replies here.

@ SteelSlaughter111: All right, that's better. I'll get to making that now.

@ DBZBladezbooster: Coming up~

@ James007: That makes more sense. I'll get those made for you in a few.

@ shh631: That works, I'll get to making them in a little bit.

Posted (edited)

Hi there, this pokesav thing looks awesome! just trying this one as a trial... :redface:

Im wondering can you make it look like the pokemon was hatched from an egg in my own game? And will they evolve and everything correctly? The OP and info isnt entirely clear to me sorry

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Thanks for any help :biggrin:

Edited by Lootje
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Thanks in advance

Just let me know if it gets done so i can trade over Wi-Fi


Right, so I just got a ton of the requested Pokemon on my game. The following people should be getting messages stating their request's completion:

DBZBladezbooster, James007, SteelSlaughter111, hockeyguy605, A-man. A total of... 15 or so Pokemon.

Anyone else, I have not yet completed yours.

@ Lootje: I can't make it look like it came directly off your game because you didn't fill in the SID, but I'll make that soon.

@ bizzle: Going to get that next~

@ shh631: One more thing, male or female OT?

@ Mikal: Also one more thing. You didn't specify the location met and such... "default" could mean many things. Please specify. ;)

And if I missed anyone, apologies. I would appreciate it if you reminded my of your request, if that's the case with you.

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