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the astonomy thread

arceus dude

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Yeah I read about that. But is it worth crashing satellites on the moon? X_X

Weren't they built for that purpose? Anyway, if there's water on the moon, there is a possibility that it once sustained life, and also a possibility it may be able to sustain human life (with some technology to support an atmosphere [i never said it was close :P ])

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It is a 60% chance that mars used to have life (not human life)

however,it is 100% true that mars used to have as much water as earth had.

btw,venus is actually hotter than mercury.

venus has an atmosphere that prevents heat from escaping the planet.

and,neptune is colder than pluto because plutos core is made up of rock,while neptunes is made up of ice.

also because when pluto is the nearest it can be to the sun in its orbit,pluto is closer to the sun than neptune is.

Another fact,when jupiters core becomes very dense,it`s tempature reaches a maximum of 55,000 celsius.hotter than the suns surface!

Another thing about jupiter is that u cant land on it so u have to reach the core and if u land on the core and jump,the intese gravity will crush u to a pulp:p

it's easy to find water on the moon, ever since Apollo 11, anyone can go say that there is water on the moon, haha.

As for mars, there's a lot more evidence for water now. the canals and all those other erosion stuff we see earlier could be caused by any other liquid, since Mars is so cold, doesn't have to be water.

The sun's surface isn't really that hot, but it's atmosphere(corona) and core are verry hot.

As for Neptune being colder than Pluto, well, that's possible, but I doubt it's because Pluto sometimes gets closer to the sun(although this is a fact) or about icy cores or whatnot.

I think Pluto probably has more ice than Neptune, since Pluto was most likely a comet(made of ice), but the reason why Neptune may possibly be colder is due to it's larger size(higher total heat capacity), and it's thick gaseous atmosphere, which traps the cold(like Venus's atmosphere trapping the heat). Pluto is small and has more surface area/volume ratio than Neptune does; therefore, Pluto is more affected by any changes in temperature surrounding it than Neptune is.

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