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It looks like it has not been documented anywhere yet and it might be worth to share it.
These are the locations where the Special Ribbon data is stored:

Save File Section 4

Offset 0x290

Offset 0x21C

Offset 0x328


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I already checked the assemblies on GitHub and it seems like this has not been disassembled yet... 
The games have built in some kind of mechanic where when a Pokémon is traded (holding a Special Ribbon?) this data is apparently compared and exchanged. By default the slots are set to 0 but I noticed something strange in some save files I have examined. Some save files had slots filled with FFs and this is exchanged in case of a trade as well. That's how I confirmed that there 11 Slots even there are just 7 Special Ribbons in total. I have a feeling that the FF padding might be coming from COL & XD. Unfortunately the FF padding was also to be seen in the Festa Metang save files from Ahiru's Wonderland. So we can't be completely sure what kind of data was distributed with it.

The German Debug Version of Pokémon Ruby has a Debug Menu including Mystery Event functions and one of them is for giving a Special Ribbon to all Pokémon inside the Team. Which is a Marine Ribbon with the assigned text "2003 REGIONAL TOURNEY CHAMPION RIBBON". In this case only the respective Slot of the Marine Ribbon changed while the other Slots remained untouched. I think for Festa Metang it was done the same way and the FF padding really just came from the GCN Games. If anyone has a relatively fresh Colosseum or XD save file which has never traded with a GBA game before we could figure out where this data came from.

Edited by ajxpk

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