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Legendary Requests


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Hey all. Is anyone able to do a few trades for legendaries that I would like?

These are the pkmn that I am looking to get. All lvl 10 would be great, but let me know if that is not possible. Not picky if they come with TM moves of not. I like raising low lvl pkmn.

Suicune - Nickname (Kiyomi)

Rayquaza - Nickname (Ryuu)

Reshiram - Nickname (Verity)

Yveltal - Nickname (Oblivion)

Latias & Latios - Nicknames (Zephyr & Tios)


I have lvl 1 shiny Giratina, Palkia and Dialga offered for trade. 


Thanks in advance :)


Friend Code : 5086-4642-6831



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