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Pokemon Amethyst

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Hey, I need some help with a Pokemon game I'm coming up with. It's called Pokemon Amethyst version (I know, so many people have used this, but I had the idea when I was 10, and it's a trio with Pokemon Opal and Pokemon Garnet), and I would REALLY appreciate your help.

Here's what I need:

Pokemon Trainer sprites (with names)

Pokemon sprites (with names)

Pokemon Cities/Towns (with names)

Ideas (for the plot, places, items, etc.)

Advice on what programs to use and how to use them

And anything else you can think of

If you help me, I can have you be in the game (as a minor or major character, it depends how much you help)

So here's what I've got so far:

Main Characters:

Amethyst Black

Jet Black (Amethyst's Brother)

Tyson Black (Amethyst and Jet's cousin)

Rose White (a girl they meet)

Tyler Grayburn (the leader of the evil Team Legend)

Seraphina Grayburn (Tyler's little sister)

and Professor Maple

Secondary Characters:

Violet White (one of Rose's three younger sisters)

Lily White

Daisy White (Lily and Daisy are twins)

Mr. and Mrs. Black (Amethyst and Jet's parents)

Connor Black (Tyson's little brother and friend of Lily and Daisy)

Team Legend Commander Erina (Tyler's girlfriend); Team Legend Commander Aaron (Erina's older brother)

Team Legend Grunts

Eartha (1st Gym Leader)

David (2nd Gym Leader)

Icera (3rd Gym Leader)

Estelle (4th Gym Leader)

Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, and Topaz (5th Gym Leader Quadruplets)

Solan (6th Gym Leader)

Cassandra (7th Gym Leader)

Ryan (8th Gym Leader)

Chelsea (1st Elite 4)

Colton (2nd Elite 4)

Anada (3rd Elite 4)

Miguel (4th Elite 4)

Serena (Elite 4 Champion)

Mr. Drelkon (he gives the heroes' items on their journey)

Daniel (the PC maker)


Smallsprout Town (Amethyst and Jet live here)

Honeycomb Town

Florafauna Town (Rose and her sisters live here. I NEED A BETTER NAME!)

Metro City

Seaspray Town

Mirage Forest

North Island/South Island/East Island/West Island

Enigma Cave

Pineywood Town (Tyson and Connor live here)


Glacier Town

Sine City

Chime City (Daniel lives here)

Old Pokemon Mansion

Golden Dawn Town

Onyx Lake

Forbidding Mountain

Coal Town

Voltage City



Victory Road

Pokemon League

Pool of Reflection

Special Items:

Region Pass

Star Orb

Tell me what you think! (Sorry it's so long!) I'll add a Pokedex soon (I need 105 Pokemon). If you help in any way, your name will be in the credits! Thanks!

P.S.I need sort of experienced spriters, please!

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  • 6 months later...

Most people can't even finish one entire ROM mod, and that's with experience in coding/script-writing/map-editing/hex editing. Making three games is going to take you years to finish, especially if you don't know how to do any of those things, and especially if you want to modify the recent games like Diamond/Pearl.

I suggest you take programming classes so you do a lot of the editing yourself and don't have to rely on others to do most of the work. If you have to be waiting for a bunch of spriters and programmers, that's going to delay you indefinitely, and that's assuming you can find anyone at all who's willing to do that huge amount of work for free, or just to have their name in the credits, lol.

That said, I wish you a bunch of luck because I'd really like to see a good ROM mod! I'd like to see a mature storyline, not the boring pg-13 stories Nintendo is forced to give us so they don't "corrupt the minds of children across the planet with blood in video games", heh.

You know, I wish I could download the info from the brains of all the talented people making the games, I'd spend the rest of my life making awesome ROM mods and living off donations.

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