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Need Help w/ my Steelix [Read Before Commenting]


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Hello, ProjectPokemon users.

Recently, I gen'd myself a Steelix (Using PKHex & pcout + pcin method). I made it as legitimate as I possibly could. Problem is, that when I try to use it in Battle Spot, I keep getting the "Sorry, but there is a problem with a Pokemon in your party" message (Not sure if that's the exact message, but it is very similar to that). I have done everything in my knowledge to make it seem "legit". I have checked all of it's moves to make sure that Steelix can learn them, I have changed Steelix's Normal & Shiny ID to my IDs, I have changed it's Amie/Memory from the default one to a random one as well as generate an Encryption Constant after doing so, I have changed the "Met" stats to make it legitimate, but despite all that, Battle Spot still won't allow it. Perhaps a reader can help me out and tell me what's wrong with my Slowbro? I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!

Steelix @ Steelixite (http://prntscr.com/641cjt)

PID = FE5F73A0

Nature: Brave

Friendship: 0

Ability: Rock Head

Language: ENG

Country: Canada

Sub-Region - Ontario

3DS Region - Americas (NA/SA)

Origin Game: OR (http://prntscr.com/641cpe)

Met Location: Battle Resort

Met Level: 1 [As Egg]

Met Date: 1/11/2015

Egg Recieved from: Day Care Helpers

Date Recieved: 1/10/2015

Stats (http://prntscr.com/641cvb):

HP: 31 IV / 0 EV

Attack: 31 IV / 252 EV

Defense: 31 / 252 EV

Sp. Attack: 31 IV / 0 EV

Sp. Defense: 31 / 4 EV

Speed: 0 IV / 0 EV

Hidden Power: Ice

Charachteristic: Takes Plenty of siestas.

Moves (http://prntscr.com/641d0r):

- Stealth Rock / 32 PP

- Earthquake / 16 PP

- Gyro Ball / 8 PP

- Curse / 16 PP

IDs + OT (http://prntscr.com/641d3q):

OT: Qazaqish

ID: 19699

SID: 45152

Amie/Memories: Steelix saw itself in a mirror in a mirror cave that it went to with Qazaqish. The Pokémon remembers that it grinned. (http://prntscr.com/641cex)

Encryption Constant: 618D4442


If any more info is needed, please let me know. I have also attached a file, displaying the Steelix, which you can open in PKHex.

Link to Steelix file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jtzpq288cftbdiq/Steelix%20-%20FE5F73A0.pk6?dl=0

~ Qaza

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