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I need help with editing

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I am doing a hack called "Pokemon Love Version" (Pokemon Black with a lot of FerrisWheelShipping) and I want to know how I can put N (and other characters; ex. Bianca) into scenes. How can you make them walk or give them speech? Also, the main character speaks in this game, how can I give her speech? An overworld editor would help, but I want a tutorial, please.

An example of a scene would be N talking to the main character in Castelia City and then start crying, while the main character asks why he is crying; N answers that it's because he likes you, and the main character replies that she likes him too, and N says that the both of them will have to release their Pokemon because they (the Pokemon) have to be liberated. The main character consoles N by saying that "If you want to date me, all requests are open. But don't go through with liberation until you see a ring on this finger." N responds "Uh...I would want to tell you something...but..." and the main character says "Go away with it until the end of our date!" N asks "That so?" and the main character states "After our first date is done, you can tell me." N walks away after saying "Huh. Got it. I'll plan a date for tomorrow evening."

When the hack is finished, I'll try to upload it onto an R4 and film a playthrough of it on my DSi.

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