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Problem with Lyra "choose your name" overworld sprite in HG ROM...


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Hello. First of all I apologize in advance if there will be error in this post, but I'm not english...:frown:

I wanted to ask if anyone of you could please tell me the location of the sprite of Lyra and Ethan when you choose the name of the character ..

Here a screenshot:



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Sorry for the double post, but I just wanted to tell you that I found the file...:biggrin:

Using Tinke v0.9.0.0:

It is located in: a/0/3 Folder 1. The file is the number 1_10, it is compressed and contains various graphic elements, including the overworld "choose your name" sprite of Lyra, Ethan and Silver (Rival). The palette is found in the file 1_1.RLCN, which contains several palette inside: The fourth is for Ethan, the fifth is for Lyra, and the seventh for Silver.

I hope it will be helpful to others in the future...:smile:

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