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Some help please?

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Ehh right hello! Hope this is the right place to post. You see I always wanted to hack Pokemon to basically make my own game but never really got around to it (Or was motivated to) until now. Which is probably a bad time because I have less free time than ever but that is besides the point. I never made a ROM hack before so I really have no idea of where to start. I have found some tools to edit Emerald and Fire Red but not so much for Soul Silver for some odd reason. I'll just summarize what I am trying to accomplish and what I need since otherwise I will probably end up writing an essay.


Take Fire Red & Emerald and put them together in Soul Silver. Use Soul Silver overworld sprites for characters since those look nice but not anything else for the overworld. Buildings, backgrounds etc will be from Emerald/Fire Red. Remove the touch screen bit too. Basically made it work on only 1 screen like on the GBA.


Because in my opinion at least. Since Pokemon went this weird 3D route (Diamond) the background and everything started looking terrible. I started playing Emerald again and I was staring at boxes for like 20 minutes thinking "Wow... That's a nice box..." then looked back at Diamond and Soul Silver thinking "WOW this looks abhorrent..." It is probably just me but yeah...

Otherwise. I know there is probably already a ROM hack that put Soul Silver into a kind of GBA form (Which is basically what I am wanting to do) but I want to do it myself. Mainly because I know it will feel better to play something you made yourself. That or give up half way through and never touch the thing again with a ten foot pole. Either way I win as the urge to make it would be gone or fulfilled.

Needs: Links/Names of good software I can use to edit Soul Silver. Overworld editor, Sprite editor etc.


1) Is it possible to get rid of the 3D stuff in the overworld?

2) Is it possible to add MORE sprites instead of replacing them?

3) It would probably be easier to just hack Emerald wouldn't it?

I'm really sorry if I seem like one of those "GIMME EVERYTHING I NEED TO DO THIS!" kind of people. Please don't shout at me and tell me to gtfo...

Why you do this!?: (Optional Read)

Basically. I didn't really play Pokemon since I finished Pokemon Diamond on the DS. Which I bought on release. No idea why I never really picked up Pokemon again I guess I just didn't enjoy Diamond as much as I should have and I never really found the reason why. Now that I think about it, it might have been the odd 3D overworld and washed out looking textures. Even now as I look at Pokemon X & Y I think "Emerald and Fire Red looked better..." I dunno maybe something is wrong with my eyes since for some odd reason they kinda hurt when I look at that for more than 30 minutes... Might want to get that checked... But anyways, I'd be lying if I said the in battle Pokemon in X&Y look worse than in Emerald. Because those look pretty cool.

Now I have started playing Pokemon again. Mainly Emerald as it is my favorite from the 4 games I've played (Fire Red, Sapphire, Emerald, Diamond) . And oddly enough I'm playing it on my phone even though I have a GBA SP, DS Lite AND the games themselves. And while I played I always thought "It would be cool if I could take Fire Red and slap it into Emerald so I can have more fun with this." and now I'm here.

And now I'm here. I know you guys don't really deal with Gen 3 from what I've seen but then again this technically isn't Gen 3 since I am using Soul Silver for the edit. Since I think that has less limitations on it than Emerald and the like. From what I've heard you can't add more sprites to Emerald and the Soul Silver overworld character sprites wouldn't work either.

So ehh... Thanks for reading this random optional bit I added.


If you have any questions feel free to ask (I know you will anyways) and also thanks in advance.

EDIT: Replaced all mentions of Pokemon Black with Pokemon Diamond. Because Pokemon Diamond is the last game I played. I guess this really shows how long I didn't touch pokemon since I confused the two...

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