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B/W Overworld sprite editing/other

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When I edit the main character Overworld sprite in White using BWOE the character turns out all messed up and see through.

The Left is the way it should be, the right is the result. If you download the image you will find the color palette on the upper left area. It uses a total of 10 colors. Please help me with this.



I also noticed sprites like the one on the main screen were not affected by my changes. Can I get the locations for modifying that and the front trainer sprite of the main male char?


I do have BWSE but it doesn't seem to have worked...at all..and I can't seem to even get PPRE to work with editing the story text. :/

So many problems with which I wish I had internet for. Oh, I also went back after the overworld sprite failed and modified the original character with the same palette but with success so I still don't understand what's wrong. The sprites size is also a little different than that of the original but I made sure that no pixel went past the original chars h/w.

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