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A little help please?


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I made this code for 6 pokemon for my pearl

here it is-

94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 E0000304 000000EC B458D6F6 70810000 2152E764 FA6915FC 0A50DB23 3B443AF5 D5D46FCA 11A6427B DC855BB1 DE594DAE 7B061696 2ACB326F B4348478 F546087D E946421A 7AF3AFE6 54D6A517 685A1E6D FD8A6B36 5EA93F3C 427A8FCB B84B224D 6476F2C4 7A3FAB58 74B2A291 A309B116 B495872A 6B3F9EBC 4C305C7D 846960CB C4110E08 DA7DCF7B ED97E4BD 5EAA8780 C6EA9396 FB05095F FB5C8662 8684774C 3EF3AFFA FB1707C0 B20D4682 64D60EAC AFE66177 D5331230 9AFC0F3B A064A65F EB7A2DA8 00968F68 D93E6F19 20EDC62E 4873431B D4C83218 DC7F9664 7F492C24 55209E04 EF131F42 99D121DA 3255D9DF 1771FA48 00000000 E00003F0 000000EC 2D0A2D0D 9CD30000 6AB40F13 573BD82B C6390D75 EFB2E4AF 4D2A8879 F5547B61 70A13854 780E97DB 48E5F29F 61EE0C45 69B73AD0 4DA93B47 A4126CC6 77502C5B B5475B34 E8A38D48 4E317353 A700CDD3 0BD0ED19 5F63CF7A 03E069A1 6A004334 0103EE6E 5CCC43F7 D4EB326C A9D98931 D60ED9D7 AF6E6EC2 0489D1B4 63E0393A 7018411B 3CD8919D DDFE6C1D 60D72375 941C6A55 7BED102D D6FCA11F 73C1715D 110A638F A301205C EE5202DD 2D721179 30F8E359 898D5E67 9B5F08DB 4E68C1DC 341926D4 C2254751 7B799FB5 DBAB3306 66661691 AB986648 32717700 6075C3F6 672A9746 5A2B5940 98AED8B5 00000000 E00004DC 000000EC 546E92F6 61F50000 CAC317BC 755FEE02 DDFDD404 974291BD 8D250637 C905CF74 0E16C37B 4B8265A5 69C4B2BA A530D6A4 4B6EEABE BD480D58 B70330AA 93285608 A0248B6A C608DDDF 73B7AB68 FB2A68CF 1FB10CD4 C31E1BA7 1DF4BDDA EAC15C71 4B280E85 A1E63F38 ACD457C5 151332C9 7875A827 F92DFF80 DF763717 6915E3E5 8B6C9B5B D0B2A096 7AECC41F CCC6FACD A37305D4 64038E16 75F4AE06 2680A37F 1FB5A6FD 43D3E4F6 26A8BC5B 6D3F20F1 F2B38254 D2BDDE42 9DC3E782 86363FDB 5D74FAFF 4690C95B 2FB3951B F6EBD8EB ADA5D748 4628EA4B 28C7B759 4AAAF727 765609EB 166088AF 0CF0C022 00000000 E00005C8 000000EC AFA44FF8 850D0000 45D45D2A 57F6D422 1EA25D2A 39396B9C D0BAB5B7 8D68D078 A4693569 2C3D41F3 343BE56D 4B22607D 316EE648 C2FDD51D D4FA7A13 60751A36 884E7F1C 1F27B806 BAAE00FA 42F4A715 489441E1 A88E32DF 75024347 2668E10D 5DB4ED78 08741C93 48062903 8665A137 78FD5DB3 39ECF855 A7B11883 CFE89B1A A14A4E1D EF171520 56EEAB23 CE54380B B0C8909D BE721AE6 8BA1288B E69FAE8D A3B74D4C 195BEFF3 049C4445 F913B7B0 4E37ECEB 3DCF2852 5C51CE74 C26D0FB0 B7160CD5 7BC5741D 98D29B0B BE0DC0DB 8BFF3EB7 747F45CE E57E38F0 2F38FE71 9F25A854 2B63D40D 5679F860 00000000 E00006B4 000000EC 896CDB9F 2BED0000 696B33FD A536642C 0991C8B5 1FBE5616 1051C73A BB415E0D 210B0168 BC649A99 27A5F15A 75FD50C3 788E5E8C 314D77CC D7C05D9F 7F5C75F5 B7DA50A1 B44412AD 4EA4C5D4 2057BC82 531254C0 D4F53D9A 6135F951 10CB375D 8C49565A E6D40600 70307C47 73D1A9E9 D3969F64 EB352B30 BE0FAB03 59B4E3DE 6286FA8A 0A89D7DA 3BE0EA3E 4BAF2A30 555FFFC0 1BD967EE E99D2178 7A76F7F4 C1D1F73D 7CDD3DA6 E6C49BF0 8A932594 2E5736B1 033BA70A FA0B599B 20842A52 9353F7ED A9BE3E11 DB43F40D 4CB03EEF 418689D0 AFA8D57D 369518F8 90D26E53 8D2513FD 86CD1079 7EE1170F 00000000 E00007A0 000000EC 3B8DE40F 7B740000 3A6014A4 2A9EF43E C1D1D035 33A7A3E1 168C5F92 1A1FED70 D44752BB 0707AEB4 85924713 6CFE4BFD 44EF5297 23322A2B BFD8A56E DF855268 EC840DEC 51E42316 87C69865 857F4A21 578B7D9A A6AE7224 AD5319A1 8BC0EB58 5A6F69A4 258A55A3 8336D4B7 6D9E4E29 DDF68037 B20856C4 F9DD5A93 80F1C952 31904A5C 6527E41D 6160C981 D5BE7CF5 6318D880 B0672655 DAB0EAD2 F2AE595B 06364D83 E049F447 579DB8E8 F593EEE5 B829E31D 50B558C7 E4BB9FBA CB5673A6 59134026 552C4BCE 7E843CA5 63D572B8 11EB6995 8BE7BFF8 F4DD3CF4 97453C59 DE1FE825 ACB49B45 9D5A49F3 00000000 D2000000 00000000

It gets past PBR's bad egg thing but when i use them in wifi it says "there are pokemon that cannot be transeferd" this is my first pokesav ever but i think i know the problem they have diffrent owners but same ID's

so if you can help that would be great. And dont go and call me a hacker for this everyone one of my pokemon i have is fair but not the ones i got from this hack

Edited by damio
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could you post the pkm files then i can make them legit(wifi tradeble) for you
you mean this:C:\Users\Lisa\Desktop\Pokesav hacks\party2.0 team.xml ?

im kinda new to pokesav so if its not can you tell me how to find them?:smile:

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